Page 29 of Mastering Mayhem
He handed me the gem-encrusted dagger. “Perhaps this could be of use.”
“It’s beautiful.” I accepted the weapon, but the moment my skin touched the blue and green stones on the handle, sparks ignited on my fingers. “Son of a bitch.” I dropped it, letting it clatter on the floor as I wiped my hand on my dress.
The sparks hadn’t just ignited on my hand; it had felt like the dagger was drawing my fire out. “What does the info sheet say?”
“I didn’t check.” Mayhem handed it to me and picked up the dagger, turning it over in his hands.
“It’s a vessel.” I read and re-read the description. “It can hold magic and release it later. A spell or an inborn power. Let me see it.”
I held out my hand and focused on keeping my magic inside me. This time, it didn’t pull my power from my skin. “I wonder…”
Focusing my intent, I let fire build in the core of my being and sent it down my arm, into the dagger. The blade glowed deep red as I filled it, and when I’d given it all it would hold, the metal faded to its normal hue.
“See if you can release the fire.” I offered the handle to Shade. “But keep your own magic inside you.”
He accepted the weapon and examined the blade before pointing it at the floor. “Is there a trigger or something I need to say?”
I flipped the info sheet over, but the back was blank. “It doesn’t say. Maybe it just needs your intent.”
He lifted the blade and thrust it toward the floor. Fire—myfire—shot from the tip to billow on the tile. I called to it, drawing it back inside as if I’d been the one to shoot the flames.
“That’s cool.” Shade arched a brow and studied the gems on the handle. “It’s not going to open the door, but it could definitely come in handy later.”
I took the dagger and returned it to its velvet box. “We need to focus and find something that can help us with an unlocking spell.”
We scoured the shelves, reading the info cards and examining the artifacts, my stomach sinking further and further. I could think of sinister uses for nearly every item in the room, especially a dagger that could steal power from an unsuspecting witch.
We could murder, maim, and drive people mad with the stuff in the vault. Sadly, we couldn’t find a single item to help us walk through walls or magically pick a lock.
“There’s nothing.” My sinking stomach twisted, pulling my heart down with it. My insides tightened, my heart hammering so hard, I could see each rapid beat in my chest. I took a deep breath, trying to stave off my anxiety.
Panicking at this disco wouldn’t do us any good, but my body ignored my brain’s command to chill the eff out. My palms slicked with sweat, and my mouth went dry. “What are we going to do?”
Mayhem took both my hands and kissed the backs of my fingers. “You must cast an unlocking spell without a potion. You are strong enough.”
I laughed dryly. “Even if I could, I’d need access to the witchy web to look up an incantation. I don’t know one off the top of my head.”
“I do.” Shade set a wooden box onto a shelf and cast his gaze to the floor before meeting my eyes. “I remember the one I used to break into your house.”
I crossed my arms. “Ah, yes. Good times.”
Mayhem gave me a questioning look, and I shrugged. “Long story. He’s forgiven.” I returned my attention to Shade. “Did you cast it without a potion?”
His jaw tightened. “No. It was a complex spell.”
“Which you only had to use on a couple of deadbolts.” I gestured to the circular vault door. “Do you really think it’ll work on that?”
Shade straightened, his knee-jerk egotistical reaction simmering just below the surface before his shoulders slumped. “Not without a potion, no.”
“It must.” Grasping my hand, Mayhem led me toward the door. “We have no other options.”
Shade sauntered toward us and stood on Mayhem’s other side. “It’s worth a shot. I have no intention of dying in here.”
I ground my teeth. “Spellcasting has never been my strength. Ash…”
“Is not here.” Mayhem squeezed my hand. “Spellcasting is not your strength because you prefer to fight. That doesn’t mean it’s your weakness. You can do this.”
“We’ll do it together.” Shade held his hand toward my demon, and Mayhem accepted it. “The incantation is easy, but your focus has to be intense.” He recited the words he’d memorized.