Page 44 of Mastering Mayhem
I shrugged. “To our realm, you are.” I brushed my teeth and returned the toothbrush to the stand.
Ember padded to the bedroom and put on her boots. “And if we went the necromancy route, could we bring them back without his blessing?”
“Yes, but you would face the consequences of your Higher Power if you were caught. You would suffer in this life and then face Lucifer’s wrath when your time here is through.”
“We’ll figure it out. I’ll do whatever it takes to save my family.” She strode toward the door and stopped, turning to me and resting a hand on her hip. “Don’t tell them she’s dead. It’s possible to bring her back, so she’s still alive to us. Got it?”
“I do.”
“And don’t mention necromancy or requiring Lucifer’s blessing. Don’t mention anything because we can’t accomplish any of it without the amulet. We have to focus on one thing at a time.”
“Understood. And I will work on my delivery for future bad news.”
She shook her head. “We don’t have time for more bad news. Let’s go scry for the amulet.”
I followed her to the kitchen, where she filled a copper bowl with water before setting it in the center of the table. She gathered candles and herbs and readied the space for scrying while we waited for the others to join us.
Chaos and Ash were the first to arrive, and Ash went straight to the coffee machine, starting the brew before nodding at Ember’s setup. “I need some caffeine in me before we do this.”
We remained silent, listening to the machine rumble as the water dripped into the carafe.
“Oh, good. Coffee,” Miles said as he and Shade entered the room. “I was thinking…”
“Careful…” Ember took six mugs from the cabinet. “Too much of that can get you into trouble.”
He chuckled. “Right?”
Shade sat at the table. “Doesn’t it seem odd that the griffin showed up exactly when it did? It was too random to actually be random.”
“You think someone summoned it?” Ember poured the coffee into mugs and handed one to me.
“It’s just a thought.” Miles carried two mugs to the table and sat next to Shade. “Chrys summoned the basilisk to slow us down. Maybe Adrian or the fae summoned the griffin.”
“I’m still impressed that you fought such a beast.” I poured sugar into my coffee and stirred it with a small spoon before taking my seat at the table. “Taking on the griffin will be easy-peasy.” I winked at Ember as I used her expression.
She fought a grin and sat next to me. “Assuming the griffin still has the amulet. If Ignacus or Adrian summoned it, they could’ve already taken it and sent the griffin on her way.”
“Well, then…” Ash sat down and gulped her drink before holding out her hands. “Let’s find out.”
Ember slipped her palm into mine, but Shade hesitated, his gaze flicking from my face to my hand.
“What’s wrong?” Miles asked, taking Shade’s and Chaos’s hands.
“My energy overwhelmed him in the vault,” I said.
“It didn’t overwhelm me.” He laid a tight fist on the table. “I’m just not used to it like she is.”
“Let’s trade places.” Ember tapped me on the shoulder. “I’ll filter it for you.”
“Perhaps Chaos and I should sit this one out.” I rose and pushed my chair beneath the table.
“We can’t do it without you.” Ember twisted in her seat and grabbed my hand, the desperate look on her face giving me pause, making me want to sit down again and hold her hand. To hold on to her for eternity.
But the only way I knew to make that happen would be whisking her away to the Underworld. I took a breath, imagining the centuries we could spend together. Then I thought of what our passage through…that of a demon prince and an elemental witch…would do to the veil. What it would do to her world and everyone in it.
“Yes, you can.” I tugged from her grasp. “You’ve been scrying without us for years. You don’t need our help.”
Hurt flashed in her eyes, and I quickly continued, softening my delivery. “I say this for your team’s sake. You were built to handle every part of me, my magic included. Think of what it felt like when you channeled Chaos’s power and double it…quadruple it. That’s what it feels like for them.”