Page 98 of Fear No Evil
“I’ll order us some.” But her father didn’t move. He stood over her with a pensive expression. “So you really love him?”
The question brought a wistful smile to her lips. “Yes.” She ached for Jake. “He’s my best friend andsucha decent person.”
“Sounds like a great guy.” Her father hesitated. “But you’re not going to see him much if he’s a SEAL.”
“Right. I’m aware. Thanks.”
Dad nodded several times, looked around, and slid his hands into his pockets. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to forget him. A good career is satisfying, Mags, but when there’s nobody to share it with—well, it’s a hollow reward.”
Maggie raised her eyebrows. Miles, her half-brother, had tried telling her months ago that Dad was a different man now that he’d reconciled with Karen, her stepmom. He must have learned that lesson from their two-year separation.
“Nobody would blame you if you resigned. I mean, look what you’ve been through.”
She didn’t want to resign. But if the only way to have a future with Jake was to give her notice, then maybe she ought to. Therealization sank into her consciousness like a rock falling to the bottom of a pool.
“On the other hand, your boss is thrilled with your accomplishments—not that he could tell me what they were.”
With that, her father stepped toward the phone, switching seamlessly into Spanish after dialing the operator.
Accomplishments.The words stayed with Maggie. Her accomplishments were many. Jay Barnes was probably at home, deliriously happy to be reunited with his family. Mike Howitz’s body was resting in peace on American soil by now. The U.S. Navy and the CIA had apprised the Colombian government of Venezuela’s alliance with the FARC. Since they knew exactly where General Rojas was hiding, it wouldn’t take long to topple that man’s ambitions.
So, job well done. But her father was right. Her satisfaction felt hollow without Jake around to share it.
She would have to make a decision, obviously. She couldn’t be in Jake’s life always if he was a SEAL and she was in the CIA. One of them would have to give up their career. She gulped. Maybe she could try her hand at consulting or training, something that wouldn’t take her overseas since Jake’s tours would keep them apart enough as it was.
The math was pretty simple.So I’ll resign,she decided, waiting for a flood of relief to hit her. All she got was a trickle.
“Good morning, Beautiful.”
“Jake! I was hoping it was you. Good morning!”
Jake could hear the scratchiness in Lena’s voice as she answered his 7:00 a.m. phone call, along with delight that they had finally connected after a week of playing phone tag. Theinitial message she had left on his cell phone this past Saturday told him she was back in Arlington, taking leave to recover her strength.
The desire to crawl into bed with her right then and hold her as he had on El Castillo made him ache with unfulfillment. But since he was sitting at his desk in the Team Building on Dam Neck Naval Annex in Virginia Beach, 210 miles away from her, his yearning was pointless. “I’ve missed you,” he admitted, glancing through the crack in his door hoping none of the guys heard him.
“Oh, Jake.”
She went silent, making his breath hitch with sudden consternation. Was she changing her mind already? Would she push him away as she had in Paris, even though she’d accepted his ring?
“I miss you, too. So much.”
The breath came flowing out of him.Thank God. She still wanted to be part of his life. “Well, listen, I’m heading your way this weekend, and I thought we could meet up if you’re free. I’ve got the whole weekend off, so maybe we could take the Metro to the National Mall, visit some museums, eat in China Town, whatever you want to do.”
“Really, a whole weekend?”
“Yeah.” He wasn’t going to tell her what he’d be doing on Friday morning before they met.
“Okay. What day is today?”
He heard her sit up and pictured her rubbing her eyes while her silky black hair slid over her shoulders. Her room would be decorated with the mementos of her travels. He had a framed photo of her on a boulder in Fontainebleau for her to add to her décor. “It’s Wednesday,” he answered.
“Oh, wow, already.”
There was something in her voice, something she was thinking about but not telling him. When she kept quiet, he added, “Seems like months since I saw you last.” It had only been a week, not that she was conscious when he’d reluctantly left her side. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. I’m getting my strength back and putting on some weight. My sister-in-law’s been cooking five-course dinners ever since I got home.”
“Good thing, since you probably wouldn’t cook for yourself.”