Page 2 of Protected
Wolf punched Franz in his left side, and the chain punctured the skin there, and blood trickled out. He was also sure that he had broken a rib or two if the man’s screams were any indication. He put all his six-feet-two inches and two hundred and forty pounds behind his next punch. Then Wolf followed that up with another one-two jab to Franz’s torso as if he was getting a workout in on a punching bag.
It would’ve been bad enough if he’d just used his fists, but the thick chain added a hundred percent more pain. A few members of their crew flinched with each punch. Maybe they were empaths and could physically feel the hits themselves. Others cursed under their breaths.
Wolf didn’t let up. This felt good. It felt too damn good to work off some of his fury that had been building since finding out what Franz had done. He didn’t have to kill the guy, a good ass-whooping would suffice, but he had to follow through with his plan. He had to teach everyone present a lesson that they’d never forget.
When Franz’s screams quieted, his head hung awkwardly to the side as he fell in and out of consciousness. His breaths were ragged, and it was safe to say at least his broken ribs had punctured one of his lungs.
Wolf nodded to Elder and Slick to unhook the man. They set him in a nearby chair, then wrapped a rope around him to keep him upright.
“Please…no more,” Franz barely managed to say, his voice hoarse and nasal as he struggled to breathe.
Wolf had no sympathy for people who weren’t loyal to him. He tossed his chain on the rolling cart of tools and grabbed theblowtorch. Some of the Kingz watching looked as if they were going to be sick.
Good. The lesson was going over better than expected.
“Almost done,” Wolf soothed as he lit the torch. “Almost done.”
Chapter One
“Do I stay, or do I go?” Parker Wilcox mumbled into the quietness of his vehicle.
He leaned his head against the headrest of his SUV and stared out the truck’s windshield at the numerous vehicles in the parking lot. It was his day off, yet he was at Supreme Security, where he worked, trying to decide if he should move forward with his plan.
It wasn’t an easy decision. He didn’t want to go. Yet, his life, and everyone’s around him, could be in danger. It was bad enough he was taking the chance with his own well-being. He couldn’t continue doing that with the people he’d come to care about.
Parker’s mind drifted to the conversation he’d had with his boss, Mason Bennett, four months ago.
“You’re going to have to lay low for a while,” Mason said, and woke up his laptop by moving the mouse.
“Okaaaaay,” Parker said slowly. “What happened?”
Mason turned his computer around so Parker could see the screen with a photo that had showed up on national news and the internet.
“Aw, hell,” he growled. He turned and punched the air before linking his fingers behind his head. “I wasn’t thinking. Damn, I should’ve been more careful.”
One of the cameramen outside the courthouse had managed to get a photo of Journey, and Parker was partially in the frame. His head was slightly turned, but despite the cosmetic surgery he’d undergone many years ago, anyone who knew him before then might still be able to recognize him.
“I’m sorry, man,” Mason said. “Had I known Journey would be bombarded by the media, there’s no way I would’ve let you be on her detail. We should’ve known that this could happen one day.”
“No apology necessary. If it weren’t for you giving me a chance at a normal life, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Hell, I don’t even know if I’d still be alive. I’ll lay low, but if my father or his people happen to see that photo, it won’t take long for them to find out who I work for or where.”
“Yeah, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but your dad doesn’t want to go to war with us. Because that’s exactly what will happen if he or his crew come knocking. Parker, you’re family, and we take care of family.”
“What do you want me to do? Leave town? Leave the country?”
“No, I want you to stay close so we can have your back,” Mason said. “You can work the front desk for a few weeks…or months. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky, and your father and his crew will still believe that you’re dead.”
Parker closed his eyes and released a noisy breath as thoughts bombarded his mind.
As far as he knew, his father, Maverick “Wolf” Farron, had no idea he was alive. Still, there was always a chance he’d find out. As the leader of Diego Kingz, an organized crime syndicate out of San Diego, the mean son of a bitch’s reach was long. Maybe Wolf would never find out, but what if he did?
Parker’s eyes snapped open, and he straightened. “I can’t take that chance.”