Page 21 of Protected
Before they arrived at the client’s home located in Buckhead, an affluent suburb of Atlanta, they inserted their earpieces. Thedevices were designed to be almost undetectable, allowing them to communicate with each other easily.
When they reached the client’s address, Laz drove through the opened gate and a short while later pulled up to the stately brick home. They all climbed out of the vehicle. So that Chelsey could introduce herself to Hawkins as his date, she’d gone to the front door while Parker and Laz stayed at the SUV.
She rang the doorbell and within seconds, the door swung open.
“Good evening, Mr. Hawkins. I’m Chelsey, your date for the evening. Are you ready?”
He wasn’t as old as she had expected. Looking to be in his mid- to late thirties, he had a fair complexion, maybe mixed-race, and had short, dark wavy hair, attractive hazel eyes, and he was clean shaven.
Totally not her type.
“My date, huh? You’re gorgeous,” Hawkins said approvingly. “Mr. Crosby mentioned that the team would be armed. Where’s your weapon?” he asked as his appreciative gaze traveled from the top of her head and did a slow trek down her body.
“I have several weapons, including my hands,” she said, trying not to let her irritation show. “Are you ready to leave?”
He chuckled. “I am.” He offered her his arm as they climbed down the few concrete stairs. She only accepted his assistance because it was time she got into character. Hopefully, he’d be a gentleman the whole evening. Then they won’t have a problem.
They were in the back seat with her sitting behind Laz, giving her a good view of Parker’s profile. He glanced back at her periodically making it hard to breathe the same air as him. No way would she make eye contact and end up flustered for the rest of the evening. It would throw her off her game, and she was trying to prove herself.
Laz’s opinions went a long way when it came to Mason, Hamilton, and even Egypt. If Chelsey could show him that she was willing and ready to be on the Atlanta’s Finest team, she wouldn’t have to take the office position Egypt had hired her for.
But Parker’s words from earlier ping-ponged through her mind. He was worried for her safety like she was often worried for his.
How did they get here?
Months ago, everything had seemed so perfect. They were going to go public with their relationship, she was going to move in with him, and they were going to live happily ever after. Then all of a sudden it was over, and he had crushed her heart.
Even if she allowed him to explain his actions, she couldn’t go back. She couldn’t risk him stomping on her heart and her feelings the way he’d done months ago.
“How’s this supposed to work tonight?” Hawkins asked.
Laz repeated what they’d discussed earlier, explaining that Chelsey would remain at his side throughout the night. If for some reason he needed to have a private conversation with someone, he’d be expected to insist that either he or Parker be nearby since they were his security.
A short while later, they arrived at the historic mansion where the art exhibit and fundraiser was taking place. As they entered through the wrought iron gates, Chelsey took in the magnolia trees that lined the circular driveway. The mansion wasn’t as impressive as the landscaping that included beautiful trees, an abundance of flowers, and a large fountain in the center of the yard.
Even if the outside of the home was understated, she’d seen beautiful pictures of the interior. If nothing else, she was looking forward to touring the mansion. With her arm looped through his, Chelsey walked along side Hawkins as they entered the venue.
Numerous people dressed in formal attire had already arrived and were roaming around the semi-open space. A wide staircase leading to a second floor was one of the first things Chelsey noted. The artwork, abstract expressionism, on the walls stood out thanks to spotlights shining on each piece as they were led to the ballroom. There, she took in stunning chandeliers, a coffered ceiling, crystal sconces, and shiny hardwood floors.
Belly bars covered with tablecloths took up the middle of the floor, and at the far end of the large space were food tables. Servers floated around with trays of drinks and hors d’oeuvres. The artwork in this space was more in line with realism. From what one of the hosts was saying, each room they visited would showcase different types of art.
Hawkins leaned over and whispered in her ear, not knowing that whatever he said to her, the guys would be able to hear also.
“If at any time you want to make this date real, let me know. Or maybe when we leave here, you’ll join me for a nightcap.”
“Thanks, but I’m not interested,” Chelsey said while giving him a smile to soften her words.
He returned the smile. “You might not be interested now, but—”
“If he tries anything with you, he’s a dead man,” Parker growled low in her ear, probably speaking without thinking since Laz was on the coms, too.
Then again, Laz clearly knew that she and Parker had a history. He hadn’t seemed surprised by Parker’s declaration before leaving Supreme.
She just hoped Parker didn’t confront the client the way he’d done with Terrance. That’s all she needed was for word to get back to Mason or Hamilton that they let their personal issues get in the way of them doing their jobs.
Nope. She wouldn’t let that happen. Parker wasn’t going to ruin this for her. Not if he wanted to live to see another day.
Chapter Ten