Page 24 of Protected
“I guess you don’t recognize me,” the man said with a shrug. “That’s all right. I’m just warning you. Jeff is a user.”
“His name is Troy Warrenberg. He owns several businesses in Georgia and is known around town for his philanthropy,” Laz said in their ear. “Not sure what’s up with him and Jeff, though.”
Parker didn’t care who the hell he was. He didn’t like the way the man was looking at Chelsey. It wasn’t necessarily a look of desire. No, it was more like he was sizing her up, and whenthe corners of his mouth kicked up into a smarmy smile, Parker knew he was up to something.
Troy ran the back of his hand up Chelsey’s bare arm, and Parker didn’t feel himself move until Chelsey whispered, “Stand down.”
Parker pulled up short but didn’t take his attention from them.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said coolly to Troy as she moved her arm from his touch.
“I’m talking about your boyfriend over there—Jeff Hawkins. The bastard slept with my wife. I’ve warned him to stay away from her but apparently, he thinks he’s untouchable. Like he can do whatever the hell he wants without consequences.”
“That’s between you and Jeff. So take it up with him.”
“Or maybe I’ll just take his woman.”
The guy moved fast. He grabbed Chelsey’s upper arm in a death grip, and Parker heard her as she hissed in pain. He skirted around a few people and was moving toward Chelsey before his brain was completely engaged. But before he could reach her, she grabbed Troy’s wrist and twisted it while simultaneously kicking him behind the knee and forcing him to the floor. He cried out in agony as she twisted his wrist harder.
“I don’t care what Jeff has done to you or your wife,” Chelsey ground out close to the man’s ear, ignoring his pleas to release him, “but if youeverput your hand on me again, I will break it in multiple places.”
Knowing Laz still had eyes on Hawkins, Parker grabbed the back of Troy’s tuxedo jacket and yanked him to his feet.
“You’re lucky she handled you before I got over here. Otherwise, they’d be carrying you out on a stretcher,” Parker said between gritted teeth, trying to keep his anger in check.
He glanced at Chelsey, and she met his eyes.
You okay?he mouthed.
With her hands on her hips, she gave him a head nod and a cocky smile.
Damn. She was amazing.
His woman literally brought a man to his knees and looked sexy as hell in her evening gown while doing it. Parker was an idiot. The stupidest thing he’d ever done in his life was walk away from this incredible woman.
He had to fix this…fix them, because there was no way he was living the rest of his life without her in it.
Three security guards rushing toward them snagged his attention.
“What’s going on?” one of them asked.
“These people assaulted me!” Troy yelled, trying to jerk free of Parker’s hold. The man swayed, making it clear that he’d had too much to drink.
The commotion caught Jeff’s attention, along with others in the room. Especially when security led Troy, Chelsey, and Parker out of the ballroom. Jeff followed behind them, and they all were taken to a room at the back of the mansion. It was interesting watching as Jeff played Chelsey’s doting date, insisting that he wanted Troy arrested for assault. Pointing out the bruise on her arm that made Parker want to snatch Troy up and choke him.
For the next few minutes, security listened as they explained how everything played out. Parker backed up Chelsey’s account of what took place, telling them he witnessed everything and only got involved because the guy tried to manhandle her.
Chelsey insisted that she was fine and had no intention of pressing charges. It was clear the guy had too much to drink, especially when he started crying and saying that Jeff broke up his marriage and ruined his life.
Jeff never admitted to anything; he also never mentioned that he had hired personal security for the event. Instead, he hadreferred to Chelsey and Parker as his guests for the evening. He didn’t mention Laz who had hung back but was nearby.
When Parker, Chelsey, and Jeff were free to return to the fundraiser, they stepped out of the room and found Laz leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway. He didn’t say anything as they approached, but he had heard everything through his earpiece.
“Let me leave a check with one of the organizers, and then we can leave,” Jeff said, and Chelsey walked away with him while Parker and Laz trailed a short distance behind.
“Well, this has been interesting,” Laz mumbled, and Parker agreed.
Part of him wanted to take his frustration out on Jeff, but he had to remind himself that this was a job. If anyone had anything to say to their client, it would be Chelsey, and he’d follow her lead. She had handled herself well tonight, but he decided that if she got a permanent position doing security, he couldn’t work with her. She was too much of a distraction. A good distraction, but a distraction, nonetheless.