Page 32 of Protected
Luis and Mason were additional reasons why Parker believed in angels. Mason could’ve easily called the cops to deal with him. Or he could’ve taken Parker to a local hospital. If he had done either of those things, word would’ve gotten back to Wolf, and he would’ve found a way to finish the job. Then he would’ve gone after Luis.
But Mason hadn’t done either of those things.
Instead, he’d managed to get the emergency care that Parker had needed.
There were times Parker still couldn’t believe his luck. He’d been clueless to everything until he was recovering in Germany. That’s when Mason had filled him in on all that happened after finding him on the beach. He explained how a voice inside of him had told him not to involve authorities. He’d said the feeling was so strong that he was determined to do whatever he could to save Parker. Even if it meant not doing everything above board.
One of Mason’s friends who’d been a medical officer in the Marines got involved. Mason wasn’t forthcoming on how they’d managed to get him treated at the hospital at Camp Pendleton. Nor did he share how they’d arranged for a transport to Germany where he could recover and where Mason had just been reassigned.
As he continued telling Chelsey about his ordeal, Parker once again believed his mother, his angel, had been watching over him. He believed every aspect of that situation had been divinely orchestrated.
That was the only way to explain how his life had been spared. It was a miracle that he was still alive, and that thought was never far from his mind.
He ended up spending years oversees in an apartment near base that Mason had rented. It had taken Parker almost a year to recover mentally and physically before he eventually returned to the States. He came back a different person, a better person inside and out, and it was all thanks to Mason.
“I owe him everything,” he said. “Had he made different decisions, I might not be here today. He saved my life, and the only thing he asked of me was to never return to gang life and to stay out of trouble.”
Chelsey stumbled back a few inches and leaned against a nearby wall as if needing that extra support to stand. That sadness in her eyes and the fresh tears gliding down her cheeks had Parker’s stomach twisting in knots.
Before today, he had never seen her cry. Not even that time when one of her favorite parolees was gunned down while walking home from work.
Parker moved across the room and pulled her into his arms again. “Don’t cry, baby. I didn’t tell you any of this to make you sad,” he said, placing a kiss on the side of her head as he rocked her back and forth.
“I’m so glad Mason stopped to help you,” she whispered. “If he hadn’t…”
He leaned back, then cupped her face between his hands, forcing her to meet his eyes. “I love you so damn much. Part of me never told you about my past because I had put it behindme. I had completely separated myself from that life and tried to block it out of my mind.”
“But then you saw the photo,” she said, and he nodded.
“I panicked. All I could think about was that Wolf would see that picture and come for me and everyone I love. I didn’t want to leave you or the Atlanta’s Finest team, but I seriously considered it for fear I’d put you guys in danger. Once again, Mason was there, talking me out of it and saying if Wolf comes for me, he comes for all of us.”
Chelsey ran her hands up Parker’s torso and to his chest, and his body tingled from the contact. He would never be able to express how much he missed being with her and feeling her hands on his body again.
“I agree with Mason,” she said. “You’re not alone anymore, Parker, and I’m disappointed that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me everything. Instead, you opted to break up with me.”
“I know, baby. I regret how I handled the situation. It won’t happen again.” He rested his forehead against hers, then lifted it again. “Going forward, I’ll always be straight with you. Give me another chance to prove how much I love you. Let me show you that I can get this right.”
She searched his eyes as if looking for something before saying, “I’ll giveusanother chance. I’ve missed you too much not to, and I love you, too. That hasn’t changed.”
“Good to hear,” he said and backed her to the wall.
She meant the world to him. More than she’d ever know. Her beauty inside and out, her dry sense of humor that he adored, and even her sassiness. He missed it all.
He reached out and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s been hell without you.”
She ran the back of her fingers over the light scruff on his cheek. “I can tell. You look like shit,” she said, and he couldn’thelp but laugh. “It’s easy to see that you haven’t been sleeping or eating. Is there something else I should know? Are you sick?”
He shook his head. “Nah. It’s just been a stressful few months, but talking to you is the beginning of me getting my life back on track.”
She slid her arms around his neck. “Good, because we belong together, and I need you just like you need me. But if you ever break up with me again—”
“I won’t. I’m never walking away from you. It’s me and you until eternity.”
“Yeah, and you better remember that,” Chelsey said, and he wasn’t sure who moved first, but before he realized it, their mouths were touching.
The kiss started slow and sweet, but within seconds reached a whole different heat level. Desire pulsed through Parker, and he ran his hands along the soft curves of her sexy body as their connection deepened.
He missed this. From the moment they’d met, Parker had known there was something special about this woman. Every day since then, getting to know her and spending time with her solidified that initial assessment. She was like no other, and he had almost ruined the best thing that ever happened to him—falling in love with her.