Page 59 of Protected
For the next couple of hours, they scoured over the information, and they all compared notes.
“We have an undercover ATF contact,” Kamora said, referring to the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agency. “Rockhas heard of a possible gun deal that Wolf is involved in, but instead of him…interfering,” she glanced between Rock and Angelo, “we’ll reach out to our ATF contact and see if he’d be able to somehow broker that deal. Then, if all goes well, they can arrest Wolf.”
“Okay, but before we do that, I’ll need to reach out to the gun trafficker Wolf is expecting to meet with. The guy who owes me a favor,” Rock said, his gaze darting to Angelo as if expecting him to say something.
When he didn’t, Rock continued. “I’ll talk him into stalling the meetup before eventually canceling it. That’ll give the ATF guy a chance for him and his people to set up a fake deal with Wolf, and then they can arrest him.”
“Good idea, but we need ATF to wait until everything else is in place before they take Wolf in,” Parker added. “Otherwise, Elder, Wolf’s second-in-command, will pick up where Wolf left off. And I want Elder and the Kingz shut down right along with Wolf.”
The more they talked, the more Parker realized how hard it was going to be to hit Wolf from all sides at the same time. But together, he believed they could do it.
Parker had already been in touch with Luis, the only one in Wolf’s crew who he trusted. Luis was ready to cut ties with the Kingz, and normally, the only way to do that was by death.
Parker was offering him another way out. Along with the help of Angelo and his DEA contact, Luis would help the agency and Parker get as much insight into the drug side of the Kingz business. With that knowledge, they would know how to attack and destroy it.
Then Parker and Rock would help Luis and his family disappear.
Hours later, after narrowing down a plan of action and who would handle what, it became even more paramount that they strike every aspect of Wolf and the Kingz’s operations at once.
Hopefully, the Kingz wouldn’t catch on until it was too late.
This had to work.
His future with Chelsey and his plans of running Rock’s security depended on it.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chelsey pulled into one of the parking spaces at Brook Run Park and glanced around the area for her friend. She and India were planning to go for a run on one of the trails and had decided to meet up near the basketball courts.
Chelsey couldn’t wait for them to catch up on all that had happened over the last couple of weeks. They’d both been out of town at the same time, but while Chelsey and Parker returned to Atlanta a week ago, India had just returned from Spain yesterday morning. She’d had a business trip to Madrid, and Chelsey was looking forward to hearing all the details.
They had a lot to discuss, including Chelsey’s big news—her engagement.
Her gaze immediately went to her left hand, and she smiled.Morning, noon, and night, she couldn’t stop looking at the ring. Parker asking her to marry him still felt like a dream. A dream that had become a reality.
To say their family and friends had been surprised by the news would be an understatement. Egypt had wanted to throw an engagement party on the spot. Stunned by her engagement, Chelsey’s sisters were asking if she had lost her mind. Theydidn’t know that she and Parker had dated for months and because of that, they thought the proposal was too soon.
Chelsey didn’t bother explaining that she had fallen in love with Parker within weeks of them going on their first date. Their bond and sexual chemistry had been almost immediate, but they’d both still had wanted to keep their union quiet at the time.
That seemed like so long ago, and now they were tossing around wedding dates and ideas. They hadn’t nailed down any solid plans, although Chelsey would be okay with going to the courthouse. All she wanted was to spend her life with Parker. In her mind and heart, a wedding was secondary. However, when she suggested the courthouse idea to him, he’d nixed it.
She smiled at the memory. Chelsey was pretty sure she had fallen more in love with him that day. Parker had said he couldn’t do that to her father; strip him of the opportunity to walk his baby girl down the aisle.
Sure, he’d love to walk her down the aisle, but her dad wasn’t like that. As long as she was happy, he’d go along with any decision she made. Unlike her siblings, her father had been thrilled by the news of their engagement and gave his blessings wholeheartedly. That probably had a lot to do with knowing Parker was a part of Atlanta’s Finest. Her dad thought the group could walk on water and were the finest people on this side of heaven.
When her cell phone rang, interrupting her musings, Chelsey assumed it was India calling. But when she pulled her phone out of the pocket of her running shorts, she saw that it wasn’t.
“Gwen,” Chelsey said by way of greeting when she answered the call. “How are you?”
She and her former parolee had been keeping in touch. Gwen was doing great and moving along in getting her life on track. With each call, she gushed about her daughters and filled Chelsey in on how well work and her support group was going.
“I’m wonderful,” Gwen said, a smile in her voice.
“What have you been up to?” Chelsey asked.
Small talk flowed between them, and warmth spread through Chelsey as she heard the excitement in Gwen’s voice. The woman had every reason to give up on life, but she hadn’t. She was excelling, and Chelsey couldn’t be more excited for her.
“Okay, let me stop going on and on about myself,” Gwen said on a laugh. “That’s not why I called you. When I was leaving the meeting with my parole officer this morning, I walked by the receptionist desk on my way out. I overheard a conversation with a guy who was asking about you.”