Page 62 of Protected
“No? Then why are you here whining about me not calling you?” she retorted.
He growled under his breath and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his basketball shorts. “I haven’t forgotten that you sicced some dude on me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied. “But I do know I didn’tsicanyone on you. Maybe that’s your guilty conscious messing with you since you tried to play me. Did you honestly think that I wouldn’t eventually find out what type of loser you were?”
“You better hope I don’t find out who that guy was who pulled a gun on me,” he said, ignoring her question. “Because when I do, it won’t end well for him.”
Chelsey chuckled, unable to help it. Parker was the last person this jerk wanted to fool with. “Actually,you’rethe one who’d better hope you don’t run into him. I told you he was crazy, and I wasn’t kidding. Now, get away from my car before I call the cops and tell them you’ve been stalking me.”
Surprise registered in his eyes before they returned to the stoney glare he’d been giving her. “You wouldn’t.”
She pulled her phone from the side pocket of her running shorts. “Try me.”
Chelsey didn’t bother asking if he’d gone to her old job. At this point it didn’t matter. She just wanted to be done with him. Hopefully, the threat of calling the police would make him think twice before calling her again or showing up out of the blue.
Instead of him saying anything else, Terrance stormed away. Considering he’d claimed to be there to play basketball, he instead headed to his car.
Good. She hadn’t been kidding about calling the cops, though she hadn’t wanted to.
Climbing into her vehicle, Chelsey glanced over at the tree where she and India had been hiding and spotted her. Then she texted her.
Chelsey:Want a ride home?
India:Thanks, but I’ll walk. Need to work off the chocolate cake I ate last night. Talk later. I’mma want details.
“Of course you do,” Chelsey mumbled and laughed as she started the car.
When she backed out of the parking space, she noticed Terrance was still sitting in his car. When he saw her vehicle, he scowled and pointed a finger at her.
Chelsey shook her head.
Dude had issues.
Well, as long as he left her alone, they wouldn’t have a problem.
Let him come near her again, and he was going to regret the day he ever met her.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chelsey needed to hurry. She had overslept, thanks to fooling around with Parker late into the night. No complaints, though. Considering his long work hours lately, and his work on theDestroy Wolfproject, they were lucky to get any time together.
It had been weeks since his meeting with Rock, and he and everyone else were getting closer to having everything in place. She and Parker were also growing closer. They hadn’t moved in together, but they spent every night together at one of their homes. Once Wolf was taken care of, their lives would settle down and they could start planning for their future.
As she stepped out of her shower, she grabbed her towel and started drying off while thinking about work. Egypt had her doing everything from admin work to providing security for some of their clients. Since it looked like she and Parker would be moving to Miami soon, she hadn’t settled into just one job at Supreme. She loved every assignment they gave her, but hopefully, she’d feel the same by the end of the day.
Even though she wasn’t officially a security specialist, today she’d be working the front desk—the one area of the company most of Atlanta’s Finest hated to work, but it was required.There had to be armed security on duty 24/7, no exceptions. Most of the guys claimed it was boring and made for a long day, but Chelsey was looking forward to a little downtime.
After drying off, she tossed the towel into the hamper before leaving the bathroom in search of underwear. She rummaged through the top drawer of her dresser and pulled out a purple lace panty set, then hurried into them.
Now for the rest of my clothes.
She went to the closet to finish dressing but paused at the foot of the bed to stare at Parker’s sleeping form. He was laying on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow, and his strong, muscular back, as well as his firm bare ass was on full display. The firm ass that she wanted to palm and squeeze.
Pervert,she thought, then grinned.
Who could blame her? The man’s whole body was a work of art, and she wasn’t just referring to his tattoos. At the moment, she didn’t care that it was almost eight and she needed to be at Supreme by nine. No. All she could think about was how much she wanted to climb back into bed and have her way with her man.
No time, she reminded herself. She still needed to…