Page 72 of Protected
Out of curiosity, Egypt had put a call into Jeff. They were just waiting to hear back from him.
But whoever James and Debby were, and whatever they were up to, Parker would deal with them after he took care of Wolf. Right now, that was his top priority, and the takedown date was getting close. Very close.
Tonight, he’d find out when the DEA, ATF, and the Feds—or as Rock called them, the alphabets—would be ready to move in on Wolf and his operation. He hoped everything would go as smooth as they all planned, but he was cautiously optimistic.Trying to hit Wolf from all sides at the same time was risky and almost impossible. Still, they were going to give it a try.
A few minutes later, Rock, Kamora, and the tech guy, Logic, showed up on the large computer monitor.
“Hey, you guys,” Parker said and rocked back in his seat. He automatically found Chelsey’s leg, and he rested his hand on her thigh, but then she linked her fingers with his.
It was like he had to touch her, and he was glad she never seemed to mind. It didn’t matter where they were, whether sitting on the sofa, riding in the car, or lying in bed, if she was within reach, his hands sought her out. The touch of her was like a calming elixir, bringing him comfort like nothing else.
“Three days,” Rock said by way of greeting. “The alphabets will be ready to move in then.”
“Assets will be frozen, stash houses will be raided, and Wolf and his crew will be arrested,” Logic added.
He rarely said much during their meetings, but when it came to looks, he fit the techgeekprofile. Each time they met online, Logic, had on a checkered shirt with a print tie. Rarely did one match the other. Then there was his wire-rim glasses that were square in shape and could be considered fashionable by some. His huge afro always looked unkempt but that could be because he ran his hand over it or his fingers through it every fifteen minutes, leaving it standing on end.
But Parker wouldn’t be surprised if there was more to the guy than his online persona. He was learning that anyone who worked for Rock had a story. He just didn’t know Logic’s. At least not yet. They’d get to know each other once Parker made the move to Miami.
He listened as Kamora filled them all in on a few more details regarding the takedown and what would happen after everyone was in cuffs. He didn’t know how she’d developed relationshipswith the alphabets, but she talked about them as if they were friends.
Had she been a confidential informant at some point in her life?
He wasn’t sure, but she was another person on Rock’s team who Parker was looking forward to getting to know better.
“There’s no way they can gather the whole crew up at once,” Parker said to Kamora. “Have your contacts considered that?”
“They’ll get as many as they can,” she said. “The information you gave us about the walk-up apartment complex Wolf owns will be helpful. And it was confirmed that several crew members live in some of the units.”
Luis had been helpful with that information, along with everything else that he’d shared. That apartment complex hadn’t showed up on the information that Kamora had gathered. Parker wondered if they were missing anything else.
“There’s no guarantee that we’ll get everything Wolf owns, and the alphabets might not be able to scoop everyone up,” Rock said as if reading Parker’s mind. “But you know how the authorities are. They care about locking down the leaders of crime syndicates. If they can cut them off from the top, they have a better chance of dismantling the rest of the operation.”
That was why Rock was still walking around a free man. The alphabets were never able to get to him. Sure, they got some of his crew, some who were still locked up, but they’d never been able to capture Rock. And according to Angelo, Rock’s crew was loyal. When they were arrested, they kept their mouths shut and not one tried to make a deal.
“Are you ready for this?” Rock asked.
Even if Parker wasn’t, it was too late. There were too many people and organizations involved now to turn back.
“I’m ready. I’m ready to take Wolf and the Kingz down once and for all.”
He only wished he could be in San Diego to watch it all play out.
Chapter Thirty
Parker stood outside the restaurant where he and Chelsey were supposed to meet, but he didn’t see her anywhere.
“Excuse us,” someone said next to him, and he jerked, realizing he was in the middle of the walkway to the entrance.
“Oh, sorry about that.” He moved to the side to let the group by, and his gaze continued traveling over the parking lot, but he didn’t see Chelsey.
Where are you?
He pulled out his cell phone to call her, hoping she was okay. It wasn’t like her to be late for anything, especially when she’d been looking forward to their date.
Her phone rang twice before she picked up. “Parker, baby, I’m so sorry,” she said in a rush. “Time got away from me and India, and I just got home. Let me change clothes really quick, and I’ll be right there.”
Relief flooded through him. “Are you sure you don’t want to do something different?” Parker asked. “I can pick food up for dinner or we can…”