Page 75 of Protected
Parker snuck another look at Chelsey, and she looked directly at him and smiled. But just as quickly, her smile dropped. They had a special connection, and Parker prayed to God that she could somehow read his mind.
Don’t come any closer. Get out of here. Go! Now!
She froze.
Yes. That’s it, sweetheart. Turn around and get out of here.
When she eased back, partially hidden behind a minivan, Parker released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He didn’t want Chelsey anywhere near him. In case whatever he decided to do next with these guys went sideways, he didn’t want her to get hurt.
Knowing her, she’d be able to read the situation and call the cops. Or better yet, maybe she’d send out a 311 alert to Atlanta’s Finest. The code meant that one of them was in trouble, and the calvary would show up within minutes.
Right now, Parker needed to figure out how to deal with these bastards.
And how the hell did they find me?
“Let’s go,” the guy with the gun said.
Yeah. Let’s.
Chapter Thirty-One
Chelsey’s pulse pounded loudly in her ears as she ducked behind a minivan while keeping her attention on Parker.
What the hell was happening here? Who are those guys?
One thing had been clear, Parker hadn’t wanted her to approach. Even from a distance, she’d been able to read it in his eyes. Then there was that slight shake of his head, and the firm set of his mouth, that told her to back up.
But what was going on? At first glance, it looked like three buddies in a quiet discussion. Yet, after a closer look, she could tell right away something was off. She didn’t recognize either of them. And no way would Parker let anyone but her stand that close to him the way the men were doing. Which meant they probably had a gun on him.
And how was it that, with all the people milling about, no one seem to notice something was up with those guys?
Chelsey’s heart was beating so hard, she was sure it would leave an imprint on the inside of her chest. As a former cop, she’d been in her share of uncomfortable situations that made her palms sweat and her pulse beat erratically.
Yet, this was different. This was Parker.
She needed to call for help.
Kenton.She’d call him.
She dug into the back pocket of her jeans for her phone, but it wasn’t there. Hell, it wasn’t in either pocket. A growl rumbled through her body as she unzipped her small crossbody bag, frantically looking through it. Her cell wasn’t in the compartment where she normally kept it.
Oh no!No. No. No!Had she left it on the charger at home?
God! Please let it be in the car.
A peek back at Parker, and her heart sank. They were on the move. He was going with them. Why? He wouldn’t walk away with them on his own accord, especially knowing she was there.
They were heading up an aisle, a few rows over, and Chelsey moved with them, careful to stay low in case someone else was watching. It helped that the sun had practically disappeared, and the parking lot lights, as well as twilight cast a subtle glow. She could track them while also staying in the shadows.
Nothing was making sense. Even if they had a gun on Parker, he could easily disarm two guys without breaking a sweat. No way would he let them lead him away…unless…
Had they seen her? Were they threatening to do something to her if he didn’t cooperate?
Chelsey wasn’t sure, but she needed to take action. Her car was only a few parking spots away. She could get it, but then what? She had to keep eyes on them. They were moving a little faster and seemed to be heading to a huge black SUV with dark tinted windows.
When they were a few feet away from it, Parker whirled around, catching the two men and Chelsey off guard.
Yes! Handle them, baby,she thought as she inched toward them, still staying low. Parker drew his arm back and slammed his fist into the tall guy’s jaw, successfully knocking him to the ground.