Page 80 of Protected
She had to do something. She needed to get them out of the building. Maybe if she created a diversion outside, they’d come out and investigate, then she could slip in. But then what?
Noise from the side where the SUV was parked caught her attention, and she crept to the corner of the building and peered around it. Two of the men walked out and opened the doors of the SUV, while the third guy stood in the doorway. Chelsey couldn’t see him well. Yet, she did pick up a little of the conversation.
“One of my nephews, not James, but the one you met yesterday will be here soon with a toolbox and some supplies,” the guy who seemed like he was in charge said. “We should be back soon with the boss.”
“Will do,” the guy in the doorway said.
The boss? Who was their boss?
He said something else before climbing into the driver’s seat, but Chelsey couldn’t hear him.
Yes!This was the break she needed. She could handle one guy. All she had to do was figure out how to get in and out quickly with Parker. And she needed to do it before anybody else showed up.
When the guy went back inside and closed the door, Chelsey started checking doors and windows. Earlier she had found several entrances, but she hadn’t tugged on them for fear they’d hear the noise inside. She could do that now, though. Find the weakest door or window that she could penetrate.
After going around the entire exterior of the warehouse, she decided to return to one of the back doors. It was on the opposite side of where the SUV had been parked. When she reached the corner of the building, the skunky, pungent scent of weed permeated the air, and she peered around the edge. The guy who had been left behind was standing near the door she wanted to enter, smoking a joint.
Oh, it cannot be this easy.
But thank goodness. This might be the only break she got.
Chelsey tiptoed back the way she came, looking on the ground for a weapon. She didn’t want to shoot anyone unless she absolutely had to, but she definitely needed something to knock this bastard out.
She found a 2x4, picked it up, and crept along the side of the building again. Another quick look at the guy, and this time his back was to her, and she soon realized why.Ugh!His nasty ass was peeing up against the building.
Perfect.Now she had to try not to get pissed on.
She tiptoed her way closer, and as he zipped up his pants, she said, “Excuse me.”
He startled. “What the fuck!”
When he started to glance over his shoulder, Chelsey swung as hard as she could and the 2x4 connected with the side of his head with a loudthunk. Without a word, he crumbled to the ground and didn’t move.
Chelsey didn’t wait. She dropped the 2x4 and rushed into the building. She was fairly sure there were no other guys besides Parker inside. But she took out her gun and kept it at her side as she moved through the space. Making sure no one else was inside took longer than she expected, but she was glad she didn’t run across anyone.
“Parker,” she whispered-shouted as she ran to him.
“Dammit, Chels, what are you doing here?” he said, surprise in his tone, but then he went back to tugging on the bindings that were on his wrist.
Feeling emotional at the sight of him, she threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “God, I was so worried,” she said, and planted kisses near his ear, his cheek, and then on his lips even though they didn’t have much time.
“It’s good to see you too, but sweetheart, you shouldn’t be here,” he said in a rush, still tugging on the duct tape.
“I had to follow you, especially since I couldn’t call anyone. I accidentally left my phone on the charger at home,” she whispered while trying to pull the duct tape off one of his wrists. Those assholes had wrapped it tightly. That’s when she remembered the switchblade in her back pocket.
“Come on, sweetheart. We have to hurry. Start with the tape on my right wrist, then my right ankle. Actually, don’t cut it all the way through. Just slice it somewhere it’s not noticeable. Enough to where I can break free with a good tug.”
“Why?” she asked as she did what he said. Except she did both wrists before going to his ankles.
“If they come back before I get loose, I don’t want them to be able to tell that the tape has been cut.
Chelsey stopped and looked at him when she realized some of his words were slurred. She set down the knife and held his face between her hands as she gazed into his eyes. They were glossy and a little red.
“Those motherfuckers drugged you?” she ground out, suddenly wanting to kill all of them.
“Yeah, whatever they used knocked me out and left me with a pounding headache. Not sure what it was, but my stomach’s a little queasy too.”
He looked exhausted, which was expected. She needed to get him out of there and checked out at a hospital.