Page 9 of Rules of Engagement
"I have to go to my next appointment," said Bernie as she checked her watch. "Keira, you can leave the keys with the contractor when you're done and he'll see that I get them back. Remember, if we sign the contract soon, there's still enough time to offer your input on the final finish. It was so nice to meet you..."
"Likewise," I said, evading her prompt to give her my name in case Keira might have noticed a Lexi in Francesca's schedule.
"Give me a call if you have any questions," Bernie added for my benefit. "I can give you a full tour, providing Keira doesn't snap it up!"
"Thank you," I said, giving her a little wave as she left. I turned back to Keira, contemplating her. "I've met Francesca White," I said. "That's not you. Bernie called you Keira."
"That's right. I'm Francesca's assistant."
"So, you're setting up here on your own?" I asked, looking around again. The unit was the same size as Francesca's shop, if I counted the private room at the back, with a closed door that led to the rear.
"No, I'm not planning on going into business by myself," she replied, looking over my shoulder as the door opened. The builder stepped inside, a roll of paper under his arm. He unlodged it and waved at the roll. "Got it," he replied, moving to spread it across the painter's table that was set up in the center of the room. Before Keira could complain or stop me, I walked over, staring down at the plans for a brand new office complete with shop signs, a display room, an office and a small room designated for private meetings.
"I don't get it..." I paused as confusion filled Keira's face, and a sense of realization dawned on mine. I looked up. "You're not setting it up alone! You're expanding Francesca's business!"
Keira's nose wrinkled. "Well, yes, but I don't see what..."
"I think there's been a huge misunderstanding."
"I know you're interested in the store but I really want it," said Keira. "I'm just days away from convincing my boss. I'm sure there are plenty of other vacant units that will suit your needs. I really want this one."
"No, no. I'm not interested in the store at all. Let me explain," I said, drawing her away from the workman who looked between us with a puzzled face before studying the plans more intently. "I'm a client of Francesca's; she mentioned she was concerned that you intended to leave and set up your own business. She was really worried."
"You're a client? What's your name?" Keira asked, narrowing her eyes, all traces of friendliness gone.
"Lexi Graves. My fiancé is..."
Hew jaw dropped open. "You're the private investigator!"
"Yes, that's right. I..."
"Ohmygosh! Did Francesca hire you?" Keira planted her hands over her mouth and she gasped. Then she dropped her hands, and her shoulders slumped as she hyperventilated. "She really thought I was going behind her back? She must have thought I intended to steal her business! Oh, this is awful! What am I going to do?" she asked.
"I think you should just tell her what you're doing." I waved my hand around the store.
"Yes! I only looked at those plans for a few seconds but the store as you envisage it looks amazing, and it's nothing less than brilliant to expand into Chester and open another branch between two complementary stores. All that foot traffic makes for instant advertising."
"That's not the only reason," said Keira. "We get a lot of couples from here who drive over to Montgomery and it seems we could make a lot more business simply by staking a presence here. There're several bridal gown stores already established here, as well as the one next door, but not a single wedding planner."
"So you're not trying to steal her business?" I asked.
"No! Of course not! I thought I could convince Francesca to open another store here in order to capture the local customers. I wanted to get all the details together and make a business plan for the Chester store before I attempted to present it to her."
"Francesca knows about the store and she knows about all the vendors you've spoken with already," I told her.
"Oh, no! Now she's going to fire me!"
"I'm sure when you explain why, she won't fire you."
"Can you help me?" Keira asked, fixing me with a pleading look that I couldn't refuse.
I checked my watch again. "We'll need to leave now," I said. "We might see Francesca before she closes shop for the day."
"Tad, can you lock up?" Keira called out to the builder. "I have to run and I really need to take the plans with me to show my boss. Is that okay?"
"Sure," Tad nodded. "I have another set in my truck."