Page 16 of Mission: Possible
By the time my brothers returned, twenty minutes had passed and the atmosphere in the bank moved from adrenaline-fueled chatter to softer, calmer conversation. Garrett walked over to me, brushing dust from his shoulders and arms.
"What happened to you?" I asked, looking over his shoulder to see who followed him. Jord had a man in a suit by the arm whom he was talking to gently. The man had a bandage taped to his head and cradled one arm awkwardly. He looked vaguely familiar, possibly one of the customers, until I glanced at his shoes. "Is that the bank manager? Is he okay?" I asked.
"It is. We found him on the floor, conked on the head. He's going to have a nasty headache for a day or two but he's fine otherwise."
"That doesn't explain this," I said, reaching out to run my finger over Garrett's sleeve. I retracted it when it became smeared with dust. "What happened?"
"They needed the bank manager to access the employee zones. They took him downstairs and put a gun to his head until he opened the vault."
"That poor man!"
"He saw one of them pulling dynamite from a pack and figured they were going to get inside anyway, so he opened the gates. They hit him soon after that. He doesn't remember anything else until now."
"So they were after the contents of the vaults? Is that where they keep surplus cash or are they gold ingots?"
"You've been watching too many movies. The vault contains the customers' security boxes."
"They must have valued that stuff far more than cash. I guess they didn't want to go to the hassle of laundering the money," I said, still confused.
"You can't repeat any of this," Garrett warned me. "I'm only telling you because I expect you'll start poking around anyway."
"I have no idea why you would think that." I held back the smile that threatened to creep onto my lips. I knewexactlywhy he thought that.
"Glad to see your good spirits have returned. Uh oh..." Garrett trailed off. I glanced over my shoulder, wondering what rattled him only to see Solomon storming towards me.
"I just heard," he said, coming to a stop in front of me. His worried eyes assessed me quickly. "You're covered in blood but I don't see any wounds."
"It's not my blood," I said, reaching for his hand. "I'm okay. So's the cash." I held up the bag.
Solomon took one look at my dried blood-encrusted fingers. "Screw the cash."
I frowned. "You don't want it? Can I keep it?" I had my eye on a great outfit at a cute, little boutique. It would barely make a dent in the money. Also, I decided as I looked down, I really needed a new pair of pants and sneakers. Maybe a jacket too. And if I were shopping for all those things, a new purse couldn't go amiss.
"Nice try," said Solomon. He put his arm around my shoulders, drawing me close despite my protestations about the mess, and I rested my head against him. That was nice, although now that I thought about it, those bank robbers could have killed me. Solomon better whip off his shirt and offer me a naked cuddle to make up for that. The request was on the tip of my tongue when I saw two familiar men walking into the bank.
Special Agent Adam Maddox was a former detective, my ex-boyfriend, and now a fully fledged federal agent. Since the police/boyfriend days, we managed to ease into a companionable, trustworthy friendship. It didn't hurt that he was especially nice to look at with a shock of brown hair and piercing, blue eyes. I may have had a smokin' hot husband but I wasn't blind. Special Agent Sadiq Farid was Maddox's new partner, an intelligent, cheerful man who viewed me like a science experiment gone wrong. I liked both men a lot. We recently collaborated on a case together but I couldn't imagine what could possibly motivate them to come to the bank, not for a simple robbery. Unless, this was part of a grander scale of theft?
"Heads up," I murmured, nodding towards the two men. "FBI."
Garrett peeled off to approach them and as Maddox looked over, I saw the flash of concern in his eyes when he noticed me. I held up my hand and gave him the “okay” sign and a smile. There was no point in worrying him too. A moment later, all three walked back to us.
"So this is the Graves Mafia at work," said Farid, glancing at my brothers dotted around the room.
"Something like that," I said. "If you can spot an officer we're not related to, you get a piece of chocolate candy."
"Gee," said Farid, pushing a fist under his chin and looking for all the world like he was trying to guess.
"Ehhh!" I squeaked a noise like a buzzer. "Too slow! I'm related to everyone in this room."
"No shit?" Farid grinned amiably. "What about her?" He pointed.
"That's my cousin, Sergeant Tara Graves."
Farid's grin grew wider. "No shit?"
"So, you can probably guess what I'm doing here," I continued. "What about you?"
"I don't think I can guess," said Farid, "but I've heard you can always be found in situations like this."