Page 32 of Mission: Possible
"You should ask Solomon for a clothes budget."
"I would but I suspect he'll have strict limitations on what I can buy. It'll all be practical garments in dark shades. I'm not a dark shade person! I'm sunny!" I pointed to my pink pants.
"Have you thought about having two wardrobes, one for work clothes and the other for non-work clothes?"
"No, that never occurred to me."
"Maybe you should consider it."
"Solomon hired me because I don't look like a PI. If I start dressing like one, I'll never solve any cases. People will suspect me instantly and clam up."
"I don't think your fashion choices are the sole reason Solomon hired you."
"He liked my brain too."
"The fact he ultimately married you had absolutely nothing to do with what he was thinking when he hired you."
"Glad we both agree on that," I replied. "Now about the bank robbery..."
"Jord caught it."
"Caught what?"
"The bank case. It's his. You need to bug him for all the info."
I gaped. "That's not how this works. I always bug you!"
Garrett grinned. "Not today, sis'."
"I'm surprised Jord didn't interview me again. How careless. I better run through my statement with him, just to double check he has everything he needs."
"Ten bucks says he already knows you're in the building and expects you to turn up in his office any minute."
"I tried to come in stealthily. It's not my fault we're related to so many cops."
"Have you ever tried wearing a disguise?"
I stuck my tongue out. "Some help you are," I said, rising to my feet. "Where is Jord's office?"
"You don't know?"
"I've never bugged him at work before."
"Go back to the staircase, hang a right, walk directly to the end and you'll see the bullpen. If he's not there, he's probably out in the field."
I brightened. "He has a lead already?"
"You'll need to ask him that."
I got up and adjusted my sleeves. "Hey, did Maddox tell you what he was doing at the bank?"
"No. Weird that he and Farid showed up. I don't know who called them."
"You didn't?" I also wondered who called them when Maddox claimed to be in the area.
"Nope. The bank manager didn't seem to think anything was stolen but even if it were, I can't imagine why the Feds included it in their purview."
"Huh," I said, thinking about Charlie Sampson's entirely different story back at the agency. "I'll see you at Mom and Dad's?"