Page 34 of Mission: Possible
"Didn't they even tell you why theyweren'tinterested?"
"Nope. Just swooped right out again. I discussed it with my captain and he said if the Feds weren't concerned, leave them be and don't drop any hints that might pique their interest. Truth be told, I'm not sure I care. I could do with a good collar for this."
"Just because they didn't immediately take the case doesn't mean they don't know something." I couldn't ignore the persistent feeling Maddox and Farid didn't just turn up for a look-see no matter how "fun" a bank robbery might be.
"Yeah, that crossed my mind too but since they aren't sharing, I'm not begging for more information. They can help me or get lost so far as I'm concerned. I have plenty of witness statements and crime scene information to trudge through."
"Any clues yet?"
Jord rested back in his seat. "Didn't take you long to ask."
"It's a natural question. I was there. I want these people caught. They shot a cop and could have hurt a lot more innocent people."
"Yet they didn't. This was a tight, professional crew. Minimal aggravation, minimal time. They knew exactly what they were looking for, went directly for it, and got out of there."
That tallied with Charlie Sampson's assertion that the robbers sought something very specific. "Do you know what they took?" I asked.
"Stuff from the safety deposit boxes, although I'm not sure we'll ever know exactly what it might be. I expect some of the owners might be less than forthcoming with that information. The bank manager couldn't even tell us although he suffered a blow to the head so his memory might eventually recall something of interest."
"He suffered memory loss?" Charlie Sampson didn't look or sound injured or confused when he came to the agency.
"He was knocked unconscious and seemed a little confused and incoherent at the bank. I'll interview him again and see if he remembers anything new."
I contemplated whether or not to share my information with Jord. I wondered if it was good business practice. If Charlie wanted the police involved with the stolen item, he would have told them, but he didn't. He wanted the mystery item found quietly and discreetly. I suspected he used his injury as an excuse to avoid telling Jord anything. Yet, Jord was my brother and the detective assigned to this case. It made sense to cooperate with him, and not work secretly outside his view.
"Charlie Sampson hired us to find something," I told him.
Jord raised his eyebrows in unmasked surprise. "What does he want you to find?"
"We have no idea. He wouldn't tell us. We have no more information than you do. Maybe even less."
"And you took the case?"
"Solomon did."
Jord considered that. "Are you interested in sharing information?"
"I am."
"And Solomon?" Jord clarified.
"I'm sure he will see the benefits of working with MPD on this, although I have to ask you not to let Charlie know that you know he hired us. I have a feeling he doesn't want that kind of information floating around here."
"You think he has a problem with MPD?"
"No. I don't think he has a problem with you finding the robbers. All he wants is an item that was taken from the bank box returned."
"For himself or the owner?"
I straightened my back in surprise. That was something I didn't think of that added a whole, new dimension to the case. "I assumed for the owner but now that you mention it, he might want whatever it is for himself. Something he can reasonably claim was stolen and keep if it were found, especially if the owner won’t admit to possessing it. He claims not to know what's inside the boxes but now I'm not so sure."
Jord leaned forward and set his forearms on the desk, looking at me intently. "I'll tell you this, my main line of inquiry right now is: was someone at the bank in on the heist? And based on what you just told me, Charlie Sampson just shot to the top of my suspect list."
Chapter Eight
Solomon waited for me by the big doors to the bank, along with Lucas, our resident tech geek. "You're outside," I said when I approached. "It's always a surprise to see you away from your desk."
"It happens," said Lucas with a shrug.