Page 61 of Mission: Possible
"Call me Tara," said Tara, not letting go of his hand as they stared at each other longer than necessary. "We didn't get the opportunity to talk."
"My niece," said Mom to the tablet. "She's a police officer. College-educated. Single too."
"It’s nice for my unmarried, eligible, straight son to meet other single people," said Mariam. "I'm sorry I can't join you for dinner."
Tara shot a puzzled look at the tablet while Farid shrugged. "My mom," he said. "We should probably compare notes about the case. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Can I get you a drink? I brought a really nice red wine with me and I'd be grateful to know your opinion."
"I'd love one..."
"Smooth," said Lily, watching them. "He's got game."
I zoned out as Farid and Tara drifted from the room and my mom and Farid's mom said their goodbyes. "My mom met her match in Farid's mom," I said to no one in particular. "That was some glaringly obvious matchmaking."
Maddox laughed. "And do either of them care?" he asked as we looked towards the yard where Farid and Tara were lost deep in conversation. Tara touched Farid's arm and laughed at something he said.
"Who's matchmaking?" asked Solomon.
"Dinner!" shouted Mom before I could answer.
"I'll tell you later," I told him before the incoming horde of Graves raced for plates. They formed the vaguest description of a line to move around the serving dishes set out on the countertop and table. We all filled our plates with an assortment of hot and cold pastas, sauces, sides, salad, and wedges of garlic bread before walking into the garden to eat. The kids assembled around a large picnic rug on the grass, while the adults took up chairs or grabbed garden pillows from the stack by the door. I was surprised that the guys weren’t talking about the case but instead were all spread out, chatting about other things. Even Serena seemed chill.
"Will you be one of my practice models?" Mom asked, dropping into the lawn chair next to mine.
"Sure," I agreed. What harm could my mother do by rubbing my head? As far as her activities went, it sounded relaxing. "I have a lot of work ahead of me but I’ll make myself available."
"Thanks. I can do Solomon's head too."
"I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear that."
"Maybe I could offer free reiki in your bar, Lily?" suggested Mom.
"Most of the drunks just want to cry and be held at the end of the night," said Lily.
Mom frowned. "I don't think there's a class for that." Her garlic slice slipped off her plate and landed softly on the ground. She sighed. "Excuse me while I get another piece." Then she left her chair and wandered inside.
"Are you busy for the next couple of days?" I asked Lily.
"Tomorrow is my day off and I can get Ruby to cover for me if I need to. Why?"
"I thought we could hang out and do some surveillance." I'd been thinking about it since our conversation, knowing how happy it would make her.
"Not another word! I'm in!" Lily beamed.
Maddox dropped into the seat next to me and said, "Your mom just offered me three of your single, female cousins."
"Okay," I said, unsure what to do with that information.
"I politely declined. It's not like I need a girlfriend to make sure your mom feeds me."
I laughed. "Apparently, neither does Farid," I said, pointing to his partner, now tearing a slice of garlic bread and passing it to Tara.
"So, did you find out anything about your hypothetical, huge cash stash?" asked Lily.
"What cash stash?" asked Maddox.
"Whoops! Was I not supposed to say anything?" Lily pulled a face.
"It's fine," I told her before glancing at Maddox as I explained, "I'm trying to find out how someone could have a massive amount of cash without any visible means of earning it."