Page 85 of Mission: Possible
"It was embarrassing really. It happened during our summer family picnic for the employees, their partners and their children. We tried to make it a carnival theme with rides for the little ones and popcorn and hotdog stands and even a raffle. Zach caused a bit of a scene. He shouted at Austen and claimed as he was Sophie's only surviving family, he should have received an invitation to the affair. I don't think she told him about it at all. Plus, it was meant for the immediate families of the employees: their partners and kids, not their siblings. Anyway, Zach also tried to pitch his half-baked ideas to some of the suits, using his relationship with Austen as leverage. He drank too much and became belligerent. I called security to assist him home," she added with an eyeroll. "Austen didn't want him allowed on the premises again. He didn't discuss it with me but I know Zach embarrassed him."
"I can imagine."
"You know what really struck me? How unalike Sophie and Zach are. At first, I thought she was a little meek but gradually, I've gotten to know her. She’s very warm although a little on the quiet side. She's also terribly knowledgeable. Austen asked her to select all the art you see in his office, you know?"
"I didn't know. May I?" I asked, curious what choices a wife might pick for her husband’s office.
"Sure." Katrina stood and I followed her through the glass doors into Austen's office. She indicated a triptych on the far wall. "Isn't it lovely? Very modern, yet so captivating," she said as we gazed at the thick blue oils sweeping across the three canvases. "However, this is my favorite," she added, turning around and pointing to a much smaller canvas. At first, I wasn't sure what I was looking at but when I stepped closer, I realized it was a line drawing of two people embracing. The woman's head rested on the man's chest and their eyes were closed. It was simple and rapturous. When I glanced at Austen's desk, I realized it was directly in his line of sight. "She drew that for their first anniversary," Katrina added as we both gazed at it.
"It's beautiful."
"Austen bought her theater tickets and said her version of a paper gift was much better than his."
"Austen mentioned they met at the theater."
"Yes. At the gala. To think he never intended to go! And then he meets Sophie and they’re married within months!"
"He didn't intend to go?"
"No. I asked him if he wanted tickets after he purchased them the year before but he said he didn't plan to attend since he was too busy. However, the theater sent him a ticket as a gift so he decided to go ahead and use it. Didn't that turn out to be serendipity?"
I nodded. It was extremely fortunate and remarkable that he happened to receive the very ticket that placed him directly beside Sophie. Far too remarkable to call luck.
Chapter Seventeen
After asking Katrina for more details about the gifted ticket, she managed to produce a printed invitation from a file in her office. The letter, printed on what looked like The Playhouse's letterhead, confirmed that Austen was invited to attend the gala as a way to thank him for his patronage over the years. The ticket was stapled to it.
"Was Austen a patron for very long?" I asked.
"Well, yes. He did donate several times privately over the years, and more recently, to the new roof fund. I don't see why that's important?"
"Let me make a call," I said, pulling out my phone although I was sure I knew the answer even before I dialed.
"The Playhouse," said the same bored, deep voice as before.
"I'm calling on behalf of Austen Takahashi's office," I trilled, hoping he'd already forgotten my voice from earlier. "Perhaps you can help me with a small query."
"Of course. How may I assist you?" he asked, his tone perkier after I threw in Austen's full name.
"We're looking at our budgets for the last couple of years and I noticed Mr. Takahashi received a ticket for the annual gala almost two years ago but we have no record of it. Could you look up the purchase please?"
"I'm afraid I don't have access to that information."
"Please put me through to your supervisor or someone who can help me then," I said, sounding as dismissive as possible.
"I don't know that I can..."
"We're looking at our donations for the year too. I would hate for The Playhouse to lose out," I said, dangling the prospect of money like a carrot in front of his nose. "I'd be happy to mention you by name and let your superiors know how helpful you were when the donation is made."
"Let me put you through to Jan in Hospitality," he said. "Hold, please!"
"You're pretty good at this," said Katrina.
"This is Jan. To whom am I speaking?" asked a very proper sounding English voice.
"I'm calling from Austen Takahashi's office. I'm the new assistant to his assistant, Katrina Halliday."
"Of course. My colleague mentioned you needed help locating a previous ticket purchase."