Page 88 of Mission: Possible
I thanked Annie for her help and she promised she would forward the wedding photos to me as soon as she found them.
For a moment, I couldn't do anything. Trying to pull a single thought out of the whirling tumble of new information in my head was difficult. An abusive marriage. A death and widowhood. A fast exit from town under the cloak of darkness for a wild, angry pair. A string of bank robberies.
The bank robberies stuck me for a moment, then I shook my head. Way too big of a coincidence. No way could Sophie and Zach have gotten involved in the robbery of First Eastern! Sophie was already in a coma by the time it was committed. I heaved a huge, relieved sigh and struck a line through that note.
When a pair of arms slipped around me, I jumped. "Did I surprise you?" asked Solomon, his breath warm against my neck as he nuzzled me.
"Yes, but now I like it. Do it again."
He laughed softly. "I'll save it for another time."
"Make sure I'm not armed." I turned my chair, pulling in Solomon for a kiss as he towered over me. Hearing about what a rotten husband Zach was only made me appreciate my own husband that much more. Not because he never hit me, or tried to isolate me from my friends, or tapped my friends up for money for crazy endeavors; it was a standard rule that those things should never enter a relationship. It was because of everything Solomon represented: kindness, honesty, trustworthiness. He worked hard, and loved even harder.
"This is nice," whispered Solomon between kisses, "but we should stop."
"Because we're in the office?" I breathed headily.
"Because Delgado is right behind me."
"Crap!" I let him go and jumped back, knocking my chair into the desk. Solomon restrained a smile as he straightened and glanced over his shoulder. Behind him I could see the door closing. "Guess he went to get something from the car?" He smiled.
"Yeah. You tell yourself that," I said. "You can call him and say it's safe now."
Solomon tapped out a message, then stuck his phone in his pocket and leaned over my shoulder. I turned my chair to tuck my legs back under the desk. "Lots of notes," he remarked, "how's the case going?"
"I'm gathering more information. I'm sure Sophie was up to something but I don't know what yet. I just spoke to an acquaintance of hers from her hometown, a friend of Zach's late wife, and I don't know what to make of it. She said Sophie was wild. She stole, drank excessive amounts of alcohol, was a total bitch... yet that isn't the Sophie I heard about here. Everyone I interviewed in Montgomery likes her. They say she's quiet, kind and knowledgeable. It's like her friend was telling me about a whole different person. Oh!"
"You thought of something."
"Yeah, but it's weird... what if sheisa whole different person?"
"Like an assumed identity? We've dealt with a case like that before."
I nodded. We did and it was tragic. "It just doesn't feel right though. Zach was married and he and his sister only moved here after his wife died. It's like his sister assumed the personality of his wife. Completely turned herself around. Stopped the wild lifestyle and became a nice person."
"That takes a lot of effort. A huge presence of mind," contemplated Solomon. He rested his butt on my desk and folded his arms. "It's not unheard of though. Conmen and women do it all the time."
"To that extent?"
"Depends on the goal. But I'd say it's easier for white collar criminals to steal someone’s identity by keeping similar traits, than it is for someone as wild as your notes suggest to become a pillar of society like Sophie Takahashi appears to be."
"But it could be done?"
"Sure, with intense discipline and enormous willpower. Is the goal worth it?"
"If it means having access to Austen's money, yes! And he certainly wouldn't be attracted to a woman as wild as Sophie was reported to be." I shifted in my chair and pondered that. "I only have one person's word for how Sophie used to behave."
"Can you get more witnesses?"
"I don't think so. She only worked in dive bars and lived a wild life. Even if someone remembered her, I doubt they'd discuss her with me." I shook my head. I couldn't shake the hunch I had. "It still feels weird."
"What did Austen say?"
"I haven't told him anything yet. I don't want to until I know more. He's expecting something but I can't tell him anything while it feels so off." I paused and thought about the exquisite sketch. "I went to his office today to speak to his secretary. She showed me this beautiful line drawing Sophie drew for their anniversary. Everyone I've spoken to attests to how much she loves art. She could have gone much further at the museum with the informative talks she gave."
"I keep coming back to what if Sophie modeled herself on the dead Sophie? She loves art."