Page 93 of Mission: Possible
"Marrying me was the best idea you ever had."
"It's not a competition. Take the win," he said and kissed me again. "If Lucas can tie a coin to one of Bagshot's suspected robberies, we’ll have a solid foundation to work from."
"There's only one problem with that," I said. An alert popped on my screen that I had an email from Annie Woodley. I ignored it for the moment while I assembled my thoughts about Charlie. "We can't tie any of this to Charlie, not in a concrete way, and it doesn't help us find whoever stole the coin, assuming that's what it is. It might already be long gone."
"Charlie doesn't seem to think so."
"Charlie has no clue who stole it or who ordered the theft. He's just hopes we can get it before it disappears into thin air. I bet he'd take possession of it, wait a few months or even a couple of years and then sell it. He knows exactly the kind of people who would be interested in purchasing it."
"I'm going to take this information to Jord and see what he makes of it," decided Solomon. "Want to come?"
My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Maddox texted CALL ME ASAP. "I have to focus on Sophie right now," I said. "And call Maddox back. I think he has information for me." Before I could even hitdial, my phone rang. The hospital’s number flashed on the screen.
"Lexi?" Alice asked through the sounds of commotion and a high-pitched beep.
"Is everything okay?" I replied.
"I'm at the hospital. Austen and Sophie were attacked."
"What?! Are they okay?"
"I think you should come here now. As fast as you can!"
Chapter Nineteen
I raced from the elevator, sliding on a puddle of spilled coffee, only for my path to be blocked by two large police officers. "You can't go in there," said one.
"Austen Takahashi is my client," I said, attempting to duck past him but the officer blocked my way, causing me to weave again. Several people in white coats and scrubs moved around Sophie's room, their voices low and anxious.
"This is a crime scene," he said politely. "I'll have to ask you to step aside."
"But..." I caught Austen's eye over his shoulder and waved at him. Austen hurried forward, holding the bandage on his head.
"This lady is a member of my team," he said.
"And I can vouch for her too," said Alice behind me.
"What are you still doing here?" I asked, spinning around. "I thought you were going home! What happened?"
"I tried to but there was an emergency and I stayed back and then—" she waved her hand towards Sophie's room "—then this happened."
"What happened to your head? And what about Sophie?" I asked as Austen stepped around the officers. Apparently trusting me not to cause any trouble, the officers retreated and maintained their position, blocking the corridor from more intruders. The three of us took a few steps away from them to talk. "You have blood on your shirt!" I said, looking more closely at him.
Austen grimaced. "Someone hit me from behind," he said. "When I came to, I was lying on the floor and I started to get up when I saw someone tampering with Sophie's IV. I grabbed his leg and he pushed me away and hit me again. I yelled as loud as I could for help and wouldn't let go until he kicked me and raced out of the room."
"Where was Manny?"
"I asked him to get us coffee. He was just coming back when he saw what happened and took off after the guy," he added, pointing to the far end of the corridor.
"Where does that lead?" I asked Alice.
"Our supply closets and the stairwell."
"Did you see who it was?" I asked.
Austen shook his head. "He hit me from behind and when I woke, my vision was kind of blurry. All I remember is a shape. Maybe some dark hair or it could have been a hood or a cap."
"Male? Female?"