Page 11 of Charmed Forces
“I didn’t know you two hung out.”
“All the time,” said Maddox as he pulled out his phone. “He’s my buddy.”
I narrowed my eyes, wondering if he were teasing. “What were you talking about?” I asked.
“Boy stuff.” Maddox tapped his phone screen and turned it to me, pointing. “Hey, there’s a beginner’s sushi class starting next week. Want me to sign you up?”
“I’m going home,” I decided since my questioning was getting me nowhere and my stomach was emitting a rumble I hoped only I could hear. I had the uncomfortable feeling Maddox and Daniel weren’t just having a social dinner. They seemed enveloped in serious conversation. Or they were until I crashed at their feet. But what were they talking about? And why wasn’t I invited?
“You haven’t even finished your wine, or heard me complain about the glass delivery I got this morning. Half of which were smashed. I’m running the dishwasher constantly and I’m short-staffed,” said Lily.
“Heard you!” I said. “We can talk about it more tomorrow. I’ll come and help with whatever you need.”
“Great!” Lily beamed.
“Watch that potted plant on the way out,” Maddox said as I slid off my stool.
I stuck my tongue out at him and left to the sound of him laughing. I wondered how long it would take him to stop finding my calamity so amusing, but figured I could be in for a long few weeks. If I were lucky, he would do something equally stupid and then we’d be even. Unfortunately, he didn’t do a lot of stupid stuff so I might be in for a long wait.
Since Solomon was picking up the pizza, I headed straight home, the anticipation of melted cheese making me salivate already.
“In the kitchen,” Solomon called out as I stepped into the entryway. The sounds of jazz drifted towards me. I sniffed the air and my stomach growled. Pizza. But first, I wanted to change. “Be right there,” I replied as I headed upstairs to change out of my nice outfit into leggings and a dark red long-sleeved top. It was light enough not to overheat in the remains of the day’s warmth, but covered enough to be cozy.
“You’re the best,” I told my husband as I wrapped my arms around him a few minutes later. The pizza box remained closed on the counter.
“You’re only saying that because I brought pizza.”
“I’d say that for any food you brought,” I replied, popping open the lid and reaching for a slice as I hugged him with my other arm. I popped it into my mouth and smiled, making happy noises.
“I might have to go out again later,” said Solomon, pulling me in tighter.
“Why?” I couldn’t conceal my disappointment.
“I’m not happy with the team. I want to watch over them quietly, from a distance. It could be nothing. Do you want to come?”
“And spy on my colleagues? No thanks. I prefer to take a bath.” I finished the pizza slice and reached for a second. “I’m going to spend the day with Lily tomorrow, or maybe help her at work. No cases came in this afternoon and Markham Hardy seems satisfied with my report.”
“Drink?” Solomon asked as he walked over to the refrigerator.
The doorbell rang and I glanced over my shoulder towards the door. “I’ll get it,” I said, already walking towards the door. The doorbell rang again and then came the sound of a fist hammering. “Okay, already! I’m coming!” I checked the peephole and smiled when I saw Daniel. It was unusual for him to come over unannounced but perhaps I could get the purpose of his dinner with Maddox out of him.
“Hey,” I said, pulling the door open and grinning. Then my smile froze in place as Daniel lurched towards me, stumbling and reaching out for my support. I grabbed him, shouldering his weight before kicking the door shut.
“Lexi?” Daniel squinted at me, his eyes rolling as I slumped to the floor. His face was deathly pale and when his hand slipped down my shoulder to land in his lap, I realized he’d left a long trail of blood specks on my top.
“Solomon! Help!” I yelled.
Chapter Three
“Daniel, look at me,” I said. “Daniel?”
“Lexi?” My name came out in a slur as he struggled to focus his eyes on me.
“Can you follow my finger?” I asked, holding my forefinger a few inches from the end of his nose. I slowly moved it to the right, then to the center, where I paused, and then to the left. Daniel’s eyes followed the motion but he struggled to keep his head upright.