Page 21 of Charmed Forces
Solomon returned a moment later and gave me a thumbs-up.
“I know you said you can’t tell us about the case but what can you tell us?” I asked.
“Nothing. I definitely remember telling you that,” said Daniel with a wry smile. “Can I use your phone to call Alice? I have a feeling this is going to be a long night and I don’t want her to worry.”
“I left it in the living room,” I lied.
Daniel looked at Solomon who held his phone. “Soon,” he said. “Don’t worry about Alice. She knows you’re working a case. She knows how these things are.”
“Right.” He nodded. “How long have I been here?”
“Not long.”
“I have to call my boss. He needs to know we’ve been compromised so we can move. We need to get to another safe house ASAP.” He looked at the blood speckles on his clothes again. “We must have run and split up when the shooting happened. We have a protocol for if that happens. I need to get to the meet site.”
“I don’t think you’re in any state to go anywhere,” I said. “But we should get you to the hospital. I’m going to ask Garrett to meet us there.”
“Why?” asked Daniel.
“We think you were drugged, remember?”
“Right. Yeah. Right. Okay.” He got to his feet, steadier this time. “Definitely call Garrett. He’ll know all the players. He can contact my captain.”
“Is Garrett involved in the case?” I asked.
“Now that Daniel’s moving, we should get him to the hospital,” I said. “I know you drew his blood already, but the hospital should do that too.”
“You took my blood?” asked Daniel.
“Because you were drugged,” I said patiently.
“Right,” said Daniel. I reached up and held his head steady while I checked his eyes. His eyes were still unfocused and even though he seemed steadier, and was becoming more coherent, I had no doubt that some kind of a drug still affected him. His memory was too hazy and he still wasn’t making a lot of sense.
“I agree. I’ll get the car,” said Solomon. “Garrett can meet us at the hospital and liaise with MPD while we work out our story. They’ll need to question you about what happened and find out what’s inside your system. Hold on.” Solomon lifted his phone again and motioned for me to follow him. Lacking my support, Daniel clung to the counter.
“Did you speak to Garrett?” asked Solomon and I leaned in to hear.
“I can’t see an opportunity to get close to him but as soon as there’s an opening, I’ll approach him. I need to be discreet.” Delgado paused and then said, “Boss, an APB just went out. Detective Daniel Graves is wanted for multiple murders.”
Chapter Five
“This can’t be happening,” I said, softly so Daniel couldn’t hear.
“If Delgado says it’s happening, it’s happening,” said Solomon. The line remained open but Delgado was quiet, waiting for further instruction. I knew Solomon was right. Delgado was only relaying what he heard and that news had come through official channels.
“Shit,” I snapped, arching my hands over my nose and mouth, partially to hide my shock. I couldn’t have envisaged Daniel’s incident could get as bad as this. I couldn’t imagine it could get any worse than the sight of those lifeless bodies in that room. “What do they have on him?” I asked, knowing his discarded badge and weapon had to be the smoking guns. Yet, Daniel was a fine police detective. Didn’t they know that? Didn’t his service record speak for itself?
“There wasn’t any further explanation,” said Delgado. “Just a warning that he’s considered armed and dangerous.”
“We need to get him to the police station ASAP,” I said. “They need to know that whatever they think he’s done, he didn’t do it. He’s a victim too. He was just lucky to escape.”
“This changes everything,” said Solomon. “They must have a reason for wanting Daniel.”
“Well, he’s missing,” said Delgado. Then after a long pause. “Boss, do you know where he is?”
“You know better than to ask me questions like that,” said Solomon.