Page 29 of Charmed Forces
“Why would I know anything?”
“Well, don’t you know something?”
“We just had a visit from the police too,” I told her. “They searched our house.”
“And you let them? I told them to buzz off until they got a warrant, then I shut the door. Antonio says he’s stuck on another case. Why’s he on a case?”
“It’s his job,” I said, pulling a face at my phone. How Delgado put up with my sister remained one of life’s great mysteries.
“Well, can your husband find someone to take over? I need mine back home. I need to call Mom too before she hears about this from someone else.”
“The police are at her house already.”
“Good grief! Whom did Daniel kill?”
“No one!”
“Are you sure?”
“Have you met him?”
Serena gave an exasperated sigh. “You’re right. If he didn’t kill his horrible ex-wife there’s probably no one else he would want to kill. Ugh! Do you think they’ll go to her house? I certainly don’t want to speak to her.”
“His ex-wife? They’ve been divorced since... well, since forever.”
“And good riddance,” said Serena. “I assume they’ll come back with a warrant. Why did you let them in?”
“We have nothing to hide.”
“Huh. I didn’t think of that. Should I engage a lawyer?”
“If you want to?”
“Ted will surely get wind of this. He’d better not use it to mess with the custody agreement.”
Ted was Serena’s first husband who was hated just as much as Daniel’s ex-wife for similar reasons. Both were selfish cheats, but Ted was also fairly useless in the father department. After Serena started dating, then subsequently marrying Antonio Delgado, her toddler daughter, Victoria embraced Delgado as her favorite enormous buddy; and he turned out to be a terrific stepfather to her. Since he also managed to soften Serena’s abrasive personality just a fraction, I’d decided he was a saint.
“Is that likely?”
“Not particularly but he does want the child support reduced. The payments are probably messing with his vacation plans. He canceled his last two visits with Victoria so he could go to Turks and Caicos. I hope he gets eaten by a shark.”
“Is there anything else?” I asked, since Serena was already down the rabbit hole.
“No, that’s it. Call me back if you find out anything. The police wouldn’t tell me much except that Daniel’s wanted for three murders.”
“Definitely three?”
“Seems excessive for someone who struggles to even discipline his children.”
“I’ll call you back if I hear anything,” I said. “You might want to call Mom.”
“Why? Is she harboring him?”
“No, because she’s worried.”
“I suppose I might go over there,” said Serena. “Talk soon.” She disconnected before I could get another word in.
“Did you get all that?” I asked since I was sure Solomon could hear everything.