Page 4 of Charmed Forces
“We don’t know that, but good point. It’s hard to get return business for bachelor parties unless someone else in the party has a great time and wants to come back. I made sure to give them all cards. I’ll let you know if I get any hits and you can help work the bar.”
“Cool,” I said, although I was still very confused about what transpired at the party.
“Jord and I had a date brunch too, which was nice. He’s been working so much lately and he wants to plan a beach vacation. He says you can’t come.”
“You asked him?”
“Duh. Of course.”
“I don’t want to come.”
“Then everyone is happy except me, but I’ll make the best of it. How does one vacation with a toddler? Can you even call it a vacation? Or is it just life that costs extra, elsewhere?”
“They’re on the move,” I said as the couple rose and started to fuss over bags before heading out the door in the direction of the woman’s car.
“Decision time. Whom do we follow? Do we take one each? Whom do you prefer?”
“They haven’t split up yet.” I checked my watch. “Maybe they’re going for dinner.”
“Heckuva long date. They must really like each other. Aww,” said Lily as the couple stopped and kissed again, but longer this time. They locked hands together and walked away at a leisurely pace. I fired off a few more shots and put the camera into Lily’s lap before starting the engine. As they reached the end of the next block, I pulled out into traffic, hoping they got into her car together so I could follow.
Fortunately for me, traffic was crawling slowly and by the time we reached their car, she flipped on her blinker and made a move to pull out. I signaled she was safe to pull out in front of me and she waved and mouthed, “Thank you.”
“She’s too polite to be a spy. Put that in your report,” said Lily.
“Hmm.” We followed slowly, allowing a car at the next junction to join the road and drive between us, talking about an issue Lily ran into with a supplier to her bar. I talked about how busy the detective agency was and how we were fully stretched and all our risk management team were busy acting as security for a construction development that was besieged by thieves. Lily asked if my mom announced anything about when the next family dinner was and mentioned that her mother sent Jord a nice gift for his birthday, which was extra surprising because it wasn’t even his birthday. “And then she suggested we all fly out to visit her now that they’re settled in their new assignment. Me, Jord, and Poppy.”
“That sounds nice.” Lily’s mom was a high-flying something or other and often had an assignment somewhere both glamorous and luxurious. The longest they’d stayed put anywhere was while Lily was in school but even then, the work trips had been quickly announced and lengthily taken. While Lily had grown up cash-rich, she’d been parent-poor, and my family had happily taken her under their wing. As soon as we graduated high school, her parents had left the state but Lily stayed.
“You think I should go?”
“If you want to.”
“Do you think my mother will be there?”
“She invited you.”
“Hmmm. My dad will definitely show up but I’m not so sure my mother would. I’ll think about it. It’ll be nice for Poppy to know her other grandparents.”
“Then maybe youshouldgo.” I followed the couple as their vehicle made a left and headed towards Harbridge, a nice part of town that was steadily getting pricier as nicer businesses appeared, only further increasing its appeal. After a few more minutes, the couple’s car pulled into the parking lot of an upbeat Greek restaurant that was steadily getting a great reputation for their delicious and bountiful food. I knew that because I’d been bugging Solomon to go there after reading an article in the newspaper.
“Lunch, movies, dinner. I like this guy,” said Lily as we drove past. I circled back and parked on the street opposite, watching them walk into the restaurant.
“Not a hint of espionage,” I said by way of agreement. “Have you tried that Japanese place next door?” It opened about a month ago and was another place I wanted to try.
“Yes, last week. The sushi is so good.”
“I can’t believe you went without me!”
“I’ll go again. We can order take-out if you like? Hey, why don’t I order some now and we can eat while we watch? If they’re eating, they’re going to be a while.”
“Do it,” I said, suddenly enthused, and Lily pulled out her phone. She tapped at the screen before she began reading the menu. We agreed on several sushi options plus a portion of mixed gyoza, and she hit “order.”
“This is such a fun night out. I’m so glad I told you I had the night off work and Jord is at home doing the parenting… although it still doesn’t beat the days where we used to go out after work and dance on tables.”
“We can do it later?”
“I would but I hurt my hip getting out of bed this morning and I think I’m too sore.”