Page 61 of Charmed Forces
Captain Brandt heaved a long breath. “Daniel.”
“Since you asked this morning? No.”
“Funny thing happened since you left the station after your arrest,” he said. “I actually did some investigating.”
“That’s not funny. That’s your job,” said Lily. She sipped her coffee, looking as unconcerned as he did.
“Funny,” said Captain Brandt. “Isn’t that funny, Crump?”
“Hah!” snorted Crump without a trace of amusement.
“We’ve been canvassing the neighborhood around Sun Street.”
“Where’s that?” asked Lily.
“The safe house, as I’m sure you already know,” said Captain Brandt. “People keep to themselves around there. Not a lot of doorbell cameras, security cameras, that sort of thing. But you know what? There are some twitchy curtains.” He stopped, looking coolly at me.
“Okay,” I said.
“It’s surprising what people see,” he said. “Well, it was nice running into you both. I’m sure it won’t be long before we run into each other again. Take care.” He stepped around us and walked around the corner, slipping out of sight before I thought to watch him go.
“Was it just me or was he really intimidating?” asked Lily.
“It wasn’t just you,” I said. “Let’s go.”
Chapter Thirteen
By the time we reached Lucas, some thirty minutes later, I still felt disconcerted by Captain Brandt’s subtle aggression and Detective Crump’s scowling henchman act. I couldn’t be certain, but I had a feeling the duo might have followed me. I had to wonder if I’d been watched since I left the station. If so, he didn’t have a very interesting day. Even worse, they were wasting their time by barking up the wrong tree. Yet how was I supposed to convince Captain Brandt of that? He’d already arrested me once and remained clearly suspicious of my involvement. I could guess Detective Crump was just itching to see me in handcuffs again... and not in the fun way.
Plus, I had a horrible feeling Captain Brandt knew I’d been in the Sun Street house, or at least suspected someone was there and fully intended to prove it. Could it be thatIwas on his suspect list? Did he possibly think that Daniel and I were colluding to commit such a monstrous crime together? To what end? I had no motive and neither did Daniel.
“Is that for me?” asked Lucas when I placed the cake box and coffee on the table.
“Nope,” I said.
His face fell. “I work faster with cake.”
“You can have mine,” said Lily, offering him her piece. “Lexi and I can share.”
“You should come over more often,” said Lucas. “You’re a wonderful human being.” He gave me a dirty look so I stuck out my tongue in return.
“What have you found?” I asked.
He pulled a face as he stuck a bamboo fork into the cake. “Unfortunately, not much. I doubt you’re going to like it.” Setting the fork down, he tapped his keyboard, bringing the larger of his monitor screens to life. In the center of the frame was the assassin, caught mid-stride. “This was in the hospital parking lot. She parked in the employees’ lot in a red Honda.”
“Are you sure she parked there and didn’t steal it?”
“I double-checked and there’s footage of her driving in earlier. It’s not too clear and I doubt it would stand up in court since she has her cap pulled so low over her forehead, obscuring her face, and she’s wearing gloves, but I’m reasonably sure it’s her. The car, however, isnothers. It was stolen from a nurse who was on vacation. She got home this morning to find it gone and reported it. Her parking pass was in the windshield according to the police report.”
“How’d you get that?” asked Lily.
“How did I get that?” laughed Lucas.
“Forget I asked,” she said.
I mused over the information. “So this killer found a car she could steal from someone who wouldn’t notice it gone and that’s how she drove in. So why not go all the way and steal a uniform to pose as a nurse?” I asked.
“Probably thought she could wing it when she got inside. She didn’t have access to the nurse’s employee pass, just an easy journey and park that she could dump if necessary.”