Page 66 of Charmed Forces
“Leave it with me. I’ll finish up here, then I’m heading over to Mom and Dad’s. You two coming?”
Solomon looked at me and I shook my head. “Maybe later,” I said. “We still have a few things to do.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you both again soon,” Garrett said before disconnecting.
“How are you holding up?” asked Solomon. He held his hands out and I took them, comforted by the sweet gesture.
“Pretty good. I’m trying not to worry.”
“It’s natural to worry. We can go over to your parents’ if you like. You might find it comforting to be with family.”
“You’re my family too.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do, and thank you for that, but I know my parents want me to help Daniel more than they want me to sit in their kitchen and tell them everything’s going to be okay.”
Solomon pushed back his chair and tugged me closer. I slid onto his lap and rested my head on his shoulder, my arms around his waist as he closed his arms around me. “Have you spoken to Daniel?” I asked.
“No, but I talked to Fletcher. They’re all doing fine. They have enough food to see them through the week without leaving the house. Daniel’s feeling fine but his memory still hasn’t returned. He hasn’t said much but he’s jotting the occasional thing down in his notepad. Fletcher doesn’t think there’s any sign of PTSD but says Daniel keeps trying to remember and gets frustrated when he can’t.”
“Does he know about Detective Wayne?”
“Only that he survived the shooting and was taken to the hospital. I didn’t think it would be good for him to know anything else just yet.”
“He’s going to be so upset,” I said and Solomon’s arms tightened. “But I’m glad to hear he’s safe. Thank you.”
“I know what it’s like to have a brother in trouble, remember.”
“I...” I stopped when my cellphone rang; Alice’s name flashed on the screen. “I have to take this,” I said, but I didn’t move. Instead, I put the call on speaker.
“Lexi? I’m in the car,” said Alice, worry lacing her voice.
“Are you heading over to my parents?”
“No, I’m taking the kids tomyparents. We’re going to stay there until this all stops. I’ve left a note for Daniel in case he comes home but I don’t think he will.”
“Why? Did something happen?” I asked, frowning.
“It’s going to be all over the news. Rachel opened the door to a reporter asking if she knew her daddy killed people.”
“Oh, no! Alice!”
“I slammed the door on her and started packing but by the time I got the kids into the car, there was a whole bunch of reporters outside the house. I had my car in the garage at the back so we left that way. Hopefully, they’ll still think we’re inside the house. Lexi, they’re going to tell everyone my husband is a murderer!”
Chapter Fourteen
After Alice’s call, I phoned my parents to warn them that reporters might turn up at their house, a prospect that left my mother gasping and my father spitting mad.
Since there was nothing we could do to make the situation any better, we ordered dinner at the agency and I ate at my desk, Solomon pulling Delgado’s desk chair to sit on the other side.
“Dinner for two. I feel guilty enjoying this in peace and quiet while my family are being harassed,” I said.
“If it makes you feel any better, someone will get around to our house soon.” Solomon held out his fries and I took a couple. Then I offered him fries from my container. He smiled and took a couple, licking the salt from his fingers.
“Sorry, but that doesn’t make me feel better,” I decided with a dejected sigh.
“We should turn one of the interview rooms into a bedroom for events like this. It wouldn’t take much to remove the table and chairs and add a bed. There’s already a bathroom and kitchen. Someone could stay here indefinitely, with a guard if necessary. I’m surprised I haven’t thought of it before.”