Page 81 of Charmed Forces
Captain Brandt came to a stop in front of the cameras and, after setting the bag at his feet, held his hands up, asking for quiet.
“I’m authorized to tell you that during the course of serving this warrant and searching the premises belonging to Detective Daniel Graves, who is currently missing, we found a bag concealed in the garage. On opening it, I discovered a large quantity of cash in used bills.” He picked up the large bag, holding it high so everyone could see. “We believe this cash was payment connected to a crime that we now strongly believe Detective Graves was involved in, either as an accomplice or the perpetrator,” he said, his voice loud and clear. “The Montgomery Police Department would like to take this opportunity to assure the public that we are doing everything in our power to apprehend Detective Graves and remove this bad apple from our ranks. If you have any information regarding the case, please call our anonymous tip line on...”
I turned away before he finished reeling off the number but as I started to step away, an audible gasp went up. Turning back, Captain Brandt was waving to Detective Hertford to stuff wads of cash that had spilled onto the pavement back into the bag. “My bad,” Captain Brandt was saying as he waved off any help. “No, no, we can’t confirm how much,” he replied to a reporter’s question. Next to him, Detective Hertford was surveying the crowd from his kneeling position as he zipped up the bag. His gaze seemed to settle on me before I ducked.
“Yes, that’s all for now,” continued Captain Brandt as reporters fired questions at him. “We’ll be in touch if there’s a new development. No, I don’t expect Detective Graves will come back here now that this cash has been discovered. The house is empty but if it reassures the neighboring residents, I’m happy to post a marked police car outside. Yes, ma’am, we want you to feel safe in your homes...”
The knot in my stomach continued to grow as I wove through the crowd and made my way back to my car. Part of me expected Detective Hertford to rat me out and Captain Brandt to see me and sic the cameras on me. So it was a relief when that moment never came and I was able to break away from the mob.
Back inside my car, I knew I should call Alice and tell her what was going on but I feared it would only add to her worries that the cash had been found. Despite that, and after a few minutes contemplation, I called her and listened to her shock and indignation. After, I called Solomon. “Captain Brandt and his squad just raided Daniel’s house,” I said. “They got a warrant and broke the door down. Well, not down actually, but Alice will need to get a new lock fitted.”
“I’ll get someone out to fix it today,” said Solomon. “Are they still there?”
“It looks like they’re ready to leave. Captain Brandt spoke to the reporters,” I said, filling him in on what the captain said. “I don’t think the bag spill was an accident. It was like he was making a point of just how much cash was inside there.”
“What do you make of it?”
“I don’t know what to think. Alice said she and the kids got into her car and left via the garage. So far as I know, Daniel always parked on the driveway so Alice could use the garage. She often likes to take her hospital scrubs off before she goes into the house and they made a changing area and washing station for her there. She never mentioned finding any bags of cash lying around or Daniel spending any time in there. I don’t think Daniel even uses the garage except rarely.”
“Are you thinking the cash was planted?”
“Yeah, and it’s pretty convenient that they found it.”
“I agree.”
“Solomon, we really need to talk to Daniel.”
“I heard from the guys and Daniel’s memory is returning. Not all of it, but some.”
“Then we need to know what he currently remembers.”
“Come back to the office. Let’s compare notes for today.”
“On my way.”
I was full of rage and Solomon’s tranquil countenance did nothing to calm me. “It must have been planted,” I said. I couldn’t shake the memory of the cash spilling from the bag.
“The cash?” he asked and I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “I just switched on the news. This is turning into a big story. How did Alice take it?”
“She’s as mystified as I expected her to be.”
“So she didn’t know about it.”
“Of course she didn’t!” My voice rose close to a yell.
“I meant, there’s no legitimate reason for it to be there. Daniel didn’t get lucky at a casino or receive it as a reward.”
“No. She’s adamant he would have told her, not hide it.”
“Then I’m inclined to agree someone is taking advantage of Daniel’s missing status to frame him further.”
“I think Detective Hertford saw me outside the house.” I slumped into my seat and my phone pinged with a message.
“Did he do anything?”
“No, I hightailed it out of there but as long as he was there, he can’t have been following me. Detective Crump, too. Maybe I was wrong about that. Oh! I nearly forgot. Something strange did happen earlier at the salon,” I said. “I’ll tell you about it when I get to the agency.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” said Solomon.