Page 83 of Charmed Forces
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound quite so official. The garage where the cash was supposedly found. We’re looking for weak points that suggest it was planted.”
“Please tell me you’ve found some.”
Solomon was silent a moment then, “Not yet but there aren’t any security cameras in the alley the garage leads to. That would benefit someone up to no good; plus, if Victor is behind this, then we know he has access to professionals.”
“Not that we can prove that,” I said, thinking about the hitwoman. Lucas was quiet so I knew there hadn’t been any more hits on her. I was almost certain we would have to conclude that she was never coming back. I’d been waiting all day for news that the police had found evidence suggesting she and Daniel knew each other, but none arrived. I wasn’t sure if that were a relief or a sign that there was more bad news to come.
“No,” agreed Solomon, “So we’re looking for other evidence. I’ve been trying to find a connection between Daniel and Victor.”
“Oh? You think there is one?”
“Maybe. If Daniel was set up to be the fall guy, why? I started wondering if Daniel had ever investigated Victor for anything, and subsequently got marked as someone due payback.”
I shuddered. “That would be a horrible threat to bear.”
“And a long game to play. It might be nothing, just an idea, and I’ll admit evenIthink it’s farfetched. I asked Garrett and Jord for information on Daniel’s arrest records and they don’t seem to think there’s a connection. They’ll let us know if something comes up.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it. When are you due back at the agency?”
“I’ll leave here in a few minutes. What was the weird thing you wanted to talk about?”
“Angelica Randall is Louise Milton’s cousin. They were together at the salon.”
“Where have I heard that name before?”
“Markham Hardy asked me to investigate Louise. He thought either she or her boyfriend could be a corporate spy.”
“You confirmed they weren’t.”
“Now I’m not so sure about Louise.” I sighed. “There’s no proof. Just a weird feeling.”
“Do you want to go back to Hardy and talk to him some more?”
“No, not unless I have anything concrete. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise, to him or to Louise. Just because she knows her boss’s rival, if he’s even that, socially might not mean anything.”
“Or it could mean something.”
“I have an in with her so I’ll explore that further and if there’s nothing there, then no harm done,” I decided. “There’s another thing. I was at the morgue earlier and Detective Wayne’s body wasn’t on the autopsy list.”
“Had his body been processed already?”
“They probably didn’t get an updated list.”
“Maybe. Maddox was there too but he didn’t rat me out even though he knew I was poking around.”
“What did he say?”
“Nothing. He practically ran away.”
“Did you do something to scare him?”
In the background, I heard someone call Solomon’s name.
“Why don’t you meet me at home?” suggested Solomon. “We can go through everything then and decide on tomorrow’s play.”