Page 8 of Gem Warfare
“You stole drugs?”
“Why? Why would you do that?”
“I took a look a couple of nights ago. I Googled the names on the bottles. That shit is worth good money!”
“You said we’d only take a few things to mess with them. Not drugs!”
“Well, I’m not going to get anything for a box of surgical gloves, am I?”
A grunt and a sigh. “It’s not fun anymore.”
No answer.
“I want to go home.” Softly now, defeated. “We only said we’d do it to mess with Liv for screwing with us. It’s not funny anymore.”
“Yeah, but look at everything we nabbed. I’ve got buyers for everything and with the drugs, we’ll be rich. None of them have even noticed anything’s missing. Stuck up idiots. They don’t need the money. We do.”
“I don’t want any part in the drugs. That’s not what I wanted to do, Landon. I don’t like it.”
“Shut up your whining already. I’m going to get stuff from the pet store and then we can be done tonight. I saw Liv get a delivery yesterday.”
My phone buzzed again, quickly followed by Maddox’s.
“I’m not…”
“What…” Both voices came at once.
“Did you hear that?”
Silence slipped around us and I slid my hand over my pocket where the phone was, hoping to dampen any more noise. It was only the quiet in the small space that made the vibration’s buzz audible. I felt Maddox do the same, then his other hand closed around mine, a small comfort amidst the tension. Then he sniffed my hair.
I pulled my heels a little closer, ready to pitch myself forwards as soon as the thieves retreated.
The voice remained far too close. “I don’t hear anything,” said the woman.
A soft thump sounded a short distance away and I struggled to be sure where in the dark. Possibly in the next room.
“Sorry, I knocked that over. There’s so much stuff in here.”
“Be more careful and watch where you put your feet,” snapped the one she’d called Landon.
“I am!” A rustle and I felt the presence of another being in the room. One of them had squeezed into the small room where we hid.
“We’ll move it all tomorrow. Just a few more things tonight to fill the orders I got and we’re done.”
A huff and a sigh. “Fine. I’m coming through.”
Another soft thump and something rolled against my arm. I bit my lip so I didn’t cry out but when the thing didn’t move, I forced myself to feel with my fingers. A canister. Not a mouse. I held in the sigh of relief.
“I think I knocked something over again,” she said.
“You’re clumsier than an elephant.”
“That’s rude!”