Page 54 of Complicated Past
Relief that Bri was home warred with the doubts that arose, wondering where things would go with Linc. She understood Bri would be his focus until he left to finish his deployment. How would things change then? Would they be able to message and video chat to move things forward?
When they arrived at her apartment, Kendra dug her keys out of her purse.
“I’m going to check your place, just to be safe.” Clara shut off the engine. “I’ll get the surveillance cameras tomorrow. They might help you sleep better tonight.”
“Thanks for putting in overtime on this.”
“Anything for family. Besides, it was one of the more exciting cases I’ve worked.” She drew her weapon and entered first.
Exciting wasn’t the word Kendra would use to describe the past few days. And though accustomed to facing danger, Linc probably hadn’t considered this case ‘exciting.’ Not with how personal it had been. However, Bri’s reaction when she thought Clara was recruiting Linc for the police department showed that she knew her brother was committed to his military service and team. Fear of her family’s disapproval and what happened with her aunt was why she’d listened to Grandma Ruby’s warnings about dating a guy in the military. But the rest of her family wouldn’t excommunicate her, not if they gave Linc a chance.
Clara checked all the rooms and closets. “All clear.” She holstered her gun. Standing in front of the bookshelf, she picked up the framed picture of all the family from her and Derrick’s wedding. “Linc would fit in with our colorful mix. So would Bri and Jalen.”
Kendra smiled as Clara set the frame back on the shelf next to the picture of Kendra in her graduation gown holding her master’s in social work diploma, surrounded by her parents and three grandparents—another beautiful blend of color and heritages and love that stood up to prejudices to form the family who made her the woman she was today.
She locked the deadbolt when Clara left. The only sound was the hum of the air conditioner running. There’d be no banter about whose French fries tasted better. No building blanket forts. She might be safe, but these past few days with Linc and Jalen ramped up the longing for someone to spend her life with. A family of her own.
If Bri could overcome being sexually abused and succumbing to drugs to get her life on track and raise her son, Kendra could let go of the past and not let it control her. She also didn’t have to settle for a guy because he checked the boxes her grandmother insisted were important. Marcus had strong ties to the community and a mid-six-figure income, but that wasn’t a strong foundation on which to build a marriage. Not the kind of marriage and partnership she wanted.
Her undeniable attraction to Linc went deeper than his appealing appearance and physique. His loyalty to his family, his way of interacting with Jalen, and his understanding and support when she told him what had happened with Don were all values and character traits that she’d dreamed of in a spouse.
She checked emails and confirmed her appointments for tomorrow before making a salad and eating alone for the first time in several days. She sat at the secondhand kitchen table that she’d bought at Goodwill. It’d been covered with scratches, stains, and traces of marker before she and her mother sanded and painted it for an updated look and pop of color in the neutral palette of the apartment. Maybe it would be the center of family meals again one day.
What were Linc and Jalen doing now? She pictured Jalen’s face and the wide-eyed smile that revealed a dimple in his cheek.
The memory of Linc’s smile landing on her started a flutter in her stomach that went lower and changed to a pleasant pulsing. In a matter of days, Linc Porter had sent her world spinning in a new direction, and, damn, even the dizziness felt good.
An hour later, the knock at her front door made her jump. Her heart pounded even as she rationalized that there was no reason for Tawnya’s associates to show up here now.
Peering through the peephole, her heart beat even harder. How did Linc even know where she lived? She backed away a step and took a deep breath, though that did nothing to slow her racing heart.
It was as if she’d summoned him.
She opened the door, fully aware of the smile on her face. “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight.”
“Sorry I didn’t call before dropping in. I didn’t want to wake you if you’d gone to bed.” He entered her apartment and glanced around, taking it in.
“Not yet. I was headed that way.”
Linc’s unexpected visit made her glad she’d stayed up.
“Bri barely made it through eating the takeout we picked up before crashing.”
“I imagine neither she nor Regina got much sleep the last few days.”
“They’ll all sleep well tonight. Clara called while Jalen and I were cleaning up and getting the food at Dev’s place. She gave me your address so I could bring this over.” He pulled out the box of English Breakfast tea from the grocery bag in his hand.
“You didn’t need to come here to bring me tea bags.” Though she didn’t admit to the thrill of having him here.
“That wasn’t theonlyreason.” He handed her the bag with a sheepish grin.
She peeked inside. “Oh. How’d you know this wasmyunderwear and not Dev’s girlfriend’s?”
“I was with you when you bought them. I saw the package and recognized the color.”
Her face and neck heated, but she didn’t say anything as she set the bag on the couch. She’d checked out that he bought boxer briefs too.
“I also wanted to tell you Clara said authorities arrested Tawnyaandthe high-level supplier she made the drop to. In addition to the drugs, they found firearms and cash in the house. It was a really good bust. She said Bri should only have to testify against Tawnya, which is a huge relief.”