Page 24 of Unexpected Gifts
“The kind of man who would be the answer to someone’s prayer.”
His mouth fell open. Had he said that aloud? No, he couldn’t have. Yet she’d known. “How did you know I was thinking that?”
She lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. “I don’t know. I just did.”
Before he could think of anything to say, Jack came running into the kitchen with Rufus right behind him. “Abby, we’re out of toothpaste.”
The two of them jumped apart like two schoolyard children caught kissing behind the bleachers.
“Oh, okay.” Abby stood, straightening her sweater. “I’ll be right up to help.”
“I could just skip brushing my teeth tonight,” Jack said diplomatically.
“I don’t think so.” Abby smiled, reaching out to ruffle his hair. “Go on upstairs. Give me two minutes, and I’ll join you.”
“Okay. Night, Luke.” Jack and Rufus headed out of the kitchen, but at the last moment, the little boy halted and turned back to look at them. “Why were you so close together? Does Abby have something in her eye?”
Luke and Abby exchanged an amused glance.
“Yes, she had something in her eye,” Luke said, trying not to laugh. “I was helping her get rid of it.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I hope you can. I hate it when I have something in my eye.” With that, Jack and Rufus bounded into the hallway and rushed up the stairs, their footsteps pattering on the wood floors.
Abby stood from where she’d been seated on the stool. As she did so, her thighs brushed up against his. Instead of moving away, she remained, tilting her chin slightly as she looked up at him. “Have we lost the moment, or are you still going to kiss me?”
A shot of yearning coursed through him. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. Could he do this? Did he have enough courage to let her see him? The real him, with his giant, bruised heart that wanted so badly to love and be loved and yet was afraid? So afraid. But no. He must push past the fear or risk losing his opportunity. “Can I? Would you like me to, that is?”
Abby tossed her hair behind her shoulders, her expression somewhere between fear and abandon. “I would like a kiss. Very much.”
“From anyone or just me?”
“I don’t see anyone else here.”
Standing so near her, he realized she was taller than he’d thought when he first saw her charging across the snowy field. The perfect height for him. Her hair smelled of gardenias.
“Do you see anyone but me?” Abby asked, eyes sparkling.
“No, just you.”
“Then you have your answer.”
Luke drew closer, millimeter by millimeter. Heat radiated between them, reminding him of a sizzling summer day when the air shimmered above the concrete in a wavy mirage. She didn’t take her gaze from him, her eyes soft and lips slightly parted.
“You are beautiful.” He brushed the backs of his knuckles against her jawline. Her breath hitched. From his touch?Yes, he told himself.Yes. I did that.
A slight tremble rattled his chest, but he leaned in, his lips grazing hers. A tentative kiss, more a question than anything else. But she responded. She answered whatever doubts remained by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him without anything close to hesitation. There was no question in her touch, only need. Abby was a woman who knew what she wanted from him and perhaps every other aspect of her life.
He returned the kiss, marveling at the sweet taste of her mouth. Parts of him that had felt dead, or at least in a very deep sleep, awakened. Something astounding came to him, nearly knocking him over from the sheer shock of it. This moment right here was one of the reasons he was alive. To kiss this woman. It was clear as could be.
When they finally pulled apart, he simply stared at her. Stunned. Helpless. At her mercy. His heart thumped so hard he felt sure she could see his chest moving despite his thick sweater.
“This is not how I thought the night would end.” Abby looked up at him with such vulnerability that a lump formed in the back of his throat. Her beauty stunned him. Made him forget his own name.
“Not in my wildest dreams.” Luke ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Abby Parker, you are a surprise.”
“As are you, Luke Hayes.” She grinned. “If only I could tell teenage Abby that someday, smoking-hot Luke Hayes would blow her mind with the best kiss she’d ever had. She would not believe me.”
“The best one?” Luke flushed with heat, pleased beyond reason. “Are you sure?”