Page 19 of Accepting Fate
“Hi!” A cheery voice catches my attention. “Welcome in. Do you have an appointment?”
She looks to be around my age. Her long blonde hair is in a ponytail on top of her head. Her nose is pierced, and she has colorful tattoos spread out down her arms.
“No, I don’t. I was hoping someone could take me today?” I say moving to stand in front of the desk.
“Sure! I have some time right now depending on what you want to get done.” She pauses to reach out her hand, “I’m Cassie by the way.”
I’m about to introduce myself when a deep familiar voice comes from my side, “Logan?”
I spin around and ready myself to go on the defense when I’m met face to face with the midnight blue eyes I’ve been fantasizing over.
“Grayson?” Shock is evident in my voice.
A tall blonde man walks up beside him and wraps his arm around his shoulder, “Hi, I’m-“
The man is interrupted by Grayson taking his arm off him and pushing him out the door while saying, “Leaving.”
The man laughs and leaves, the bells on the door echoing throughout the shop. Grayson turns back around, and I get a good look at him. Today he is in dark jeans and a long-sleeved gray shirt with the shop’s logo printed across his chest. The shirt is doing nothing to hide his muscles. Is it possible that he got more attractive over the span of a few hours?
Grayson leans against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
Cassie flicks him on the side of the head and leans around him, “Is your name Logan?”
Yup. That’s all I can say. This man has me shaking like a damn schoolgirl seeing her crush.
Grayson’s gaze darts between Cassie and me, “Logan, are you looking to get a tattoo?”
Wow. I thought this man was hot but his voice brings it to another level. It’s so smooth and sounds like if he belted out singing a Luke Combs song, all the ladies would melt. I’m ashamed to admit, I’d probably be one of them.
“What the hell Logan? You have never been this enamored by a man,” I tell myself.
Cassie taps his arms. “Yes, she is. But I got this, boss. You can head out if you want.”
My eyebrows lift as I glance at Grayson. “Boss?”
The giant flashes me a cocky smile and says. “Yeah. I own the place.”
Of fucking course, I would move to the town where Grayson owns a business. What are the odds?
I want to bolt for the door but then I would look like a weirdo.
“Oh cool. Yeah, I was hoping to get some work done today.” I say like I’m not internally having a crisis inside my head.
“Nice,” Grayson says, turning to Cassie, “I got this, Cass. You have a client in a few hours.”
Cassie looks stunned but doesn’t say anything. She nods, “Well, Logan, it’s your lucky day. Bossman is usually appointment only.” She smiles at me and turns back to her sketchpad.
Grayson motions for me to follow him to the back where he just was with that man. I shouldn’t be following him right now, but I refuse to back down.
Instead of the tattoo chair, he signals for me to sit at the large wooden desk. Taking a seat on the other side, he leans back and grabs his sketchpad and pencil. “So, Logan, what are you looking to get today?”
That deep voice paired with everything this man has going on is going to be the death of me.
Chapter Seven