Page 59 of Accepting Fate
Grayson must be thinking the same because he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. Both of us are breathing heavily.
When I open my eyes, I see his are full of hunger. I know he is pulling on every ounce of restraint to not devour me. I’m right there with him but we both know this isn’t the place.
We stand there for a moment and let ourselves calm down.
Grayson lifts his head off mine and runs his thumb on the back of my neck. I relax into his touch and a smile spreads across his face.
“I have traced every single detail of your beautiful face in my mind countless times. And right now, Angel, I want to take you home and show you how much you mean to me.” Grayson says in a husky voice.
Damn, I want to kiss him again. I never want to stop kissing him. Is it possible to be drunk off a kiss?
Grayson interrupts my thoughts. “Are you thinking about kissing me again, Angel?” he says as he brushes his thumb over my bottom lip.
I snap out of my trance and fold my arms over my chest. “That's very bold of you to assume, Mr. Hayes.”
He laughs and lowers his head, so his nose tickles my ear. “It’s not an assumption when it’s the truth, pretty girl.” He follows up by biting my ear.
My face heats and the asshole shoots me an evil grin, knowing he’s right.
Fucking hell. I already know the minute I get home my toy will be getting some use before I pass out.
Suddenly, he turns me around and guides me back to my car. He opens the door and lifts me into the driver’s seat. A sharp pain shoots up my back and I wince. I try to hide it, but he sees it. He doesn’t bother asking me if I’m okay because he knows I will say I’m fine.
“You need to get home and get to bed. I have to open the shop for Cassie. You remember her, right? She was the one that was going to do your tattoo before I stole you from her.”
I nod.
“Okay. She forgot her key at her desk before she left, and she has an early client, so I have to go open it for her around nine. I’ll come by after that. We can talk. If your back is feeling better, we can go on a hike if you want?”
I smile at the thought of hiking. It’s been a few weeks since I have gone, and I miss it.
Suddenly, it’s like all the energy is zapped out of me. I don’t have anything left, so I just nod.
Grayson, using his damn mind-reading powers again, already senses the change and says, “Do you need me to drive you home?”
I shake my head. “No. I got it, but thank you.”
“Okay, but I’m following you home so I can make sure you don’t drive into a ditch.”
He doesn’t wait for me to protest and leans forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips before shutting the door.
He walks away and gets in his truck then flashes his lights at me, which I assume is a signal to go.
I take off and head home, knowing three things. My ass is going to have a giant bruise on it in the morning, I need to get laid, preferably by a sexy bearded man, and I’m really happy I didn’t let fear of the unknown stop me from giving my big teddy bear a chance.
Chapter Eighteen
I’mwokenupbya paw to the face.
Groaning, I stretch my arms over my head and open my eyes. The first thing I see is Oliver standing over me, most likely contemplating how many ways he can kill me and still get treats.
When I scratch behind his ears, the asshole melts into a boneless heap on my chest and starts purring.
I clear the sleep from my voice. “Good morning to you too, Oliver.”
Since I know I will be out most of the day, I stay in bed for a few extra minutes and give him some love.