Page 79 of Accepting Fate
“You’re lying, and I will let it go this time but don’t do it again. If you don’t want to tell me yet, just say that.” It comes out more annoyed than I want it to but I’m growing impatient with all the secrets.
Logan steps into me and wraps her arms around my waist. Resting her chin on my chest she looks up at me. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I promise.” She bats her long eyelashes at me and smiles.
I can’t stay mad at her even for a second and lean down to kiss her.
We break apart and continue up the trail. While we walk, we talk about our favorite hikes and somehow end up on the topic of dogs. Logan saw a German Shepard on one of her hikes one day and says she wants one but can’t because she works so much. I want to tell her she can get one and that I will take care of it while she works late. The dog will eventually be ours anyway. But I don’t say any of that. Future talk spooks her and I don’t want to ruin the moment.
We get closer and I hear running water in the distance. Only a small incline separates us from what I know will blow my girl’s mind.
Logan reaches the top before I do, and I watch as she takes in what’s in front of her. I take the last few steps and wrap my arms around her waist from behind.
In front of us is a giant waterfall that flows over a cliff to the lake below. The sound of the water and the trees rustling in the wind echo around us.
Logan covers my arms with hers. “Wow. This is beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is,” I agree but I’m no longer looking at the waterfall. I’m looking at Logan.
I don’t believe in fate but I’m starting to. It’s the only explanation for how Logan and I found each other.
I nuzzle my face into her neck. “Wanna go in?”
“In the water?”
She thinks about it for a second then untangles my arms from around her, and I guide us down to the lake below.
We find a dry rock at the edge of the water and before stripping down to our underwear, I scan the area to see if anyone is nearby. Logan does the same.
“No one is around, Angel. If you want, you can wear the shirt I have in the bag.”
“Umm. No. I’m okay.”
Setting the bag down, we both take off our clothes. To prevent myself from taking Logan on this rock, I dive into the water and my body turns into a damn ice cube.
Holy fucking shit this water is cold.
I swim up to the surface and see Logan sitting on the edge of the rock. “Just jump in," I call out.
She shakes her head. “This shit is fucking cold, Grayson. I’m not getting in here.”
“Get in the water before I drag you in here myself.”
Her eyes narrow at me. “You wouldn’t dare.”
I swim closer to her. “Wanna bet?”
Logan stands and yells, “Okay! Fine. I’m getting in.” She backs up to get a running start and I hear her grumble under her breath. “Stupid fucking caveman.”
I laugh and watch as she runs a little and dives gracefully into the water.
Her head breaks the surface, and she gasps. “Holy fucking shit, this is cold!”
Swimming closer, I take her into my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist, and she clings tightly to me. My legs kick to keep us both from going under. Logan’s fingers thread through my hair and she rests her head against mine.
I didn’t know I was searching for this but I’m glad I found it. This moment with her in my arms solidifies that she is the light to my darkness. We both don’t know what haunts each other, but I know for a fact that she will accept me for me, and I will for her.
I kiss her cold lips and cup her ass in my hands. Logan deepens it and it takes a sharp turn to hunger. If she let me, I would fuck her right here right now.