Page 83 of Accepting Fate
My hands grip the steering wheel tightly. “Do you feel dizzy? How badly are you bleeding? What happened?” The words fly out of my mouth in a panicked ramble.
“Shh. I’m okay. But there’s a girl here that needs your help more than I do.”
Damn this man. He’s bleeding from his head and is more concerned about someone else.
“Keep pressure on your head,” I say to him. “I’m coming as fast as I can.”
“Logan. Slow down. Now.”
“No. You’re hurt and so is that girl.”
“Logan Blake Sawyer, slow the fuck down right now. You will not hurt yourself trying to get to me.”
I slow down because he’s right. I can’t help him if I get pulled over or get in a wreck. I check my rearview to see if Harper is still behind me. Her dark blue compact car is following close.
It’s late and we are on the long winding road that stretches between the outskirts of the city all the way to my tiny town. I take one S curve after another.
As the lights from downtown Cliff Haven come into view, it hits me that I’m about to meet Grayson’s brothers. The panic that I had been stuffing down in the chaos is finally bubbling to the surface.
Get your shit together Logan. Grayson and this poor girl need you to be the badass nurse you are for everyone else,I tell myself.
We reach the stop sign that sits right past The Needle, and I take a few deep breaths.
“Angel. You still there?” Grayson asks, breaking me out of my spiral.
“Yeah sorry. I’ll be there in a few minutes. You, okay?”
“Yeah. I’m okay. I’ll see you soon, pretty girl.”
He hangs up and as soon as he does, Harper speaks up. “Logan, what are we about to walk into?”
“I have no idea, H.”
“If anything illegal happens, I’m out. I love you but I refuse to go to jail for some crazy ass mountain men with savior complexes.”
I can’t even formulate a response to that because all I care about is getting to Grayson.
We pull onto the long driveway. I park next to Noah’s Jeep, turn off my car, and hop out. I rush towards the door, not waiting for Harper. I should but she can hold her own.
I hesitate for a second before barging in. Grayson’s family is here, and I don’t want to look like a lunatic. Lucky for me, I don’t have to think too long because Noah flings open the door. He steps aside and points to the couch.
Grayson is sitting with his back towards me, holding a blood-soaked towel against his head. His shaggy brown hair looks like he spiked it using a bucket of gel, but I know it's caked in blood.
I rush around the front of the couch and kneel in front of him, my hands immediately going to the sides of his face.
He looks exhausted. His cheeks have spots of dried blood. He isn’t as pale as I thought he was going to be, which is a good sign.
His midnight blue eyes meet mine and a small smile spreads across his face.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
I drop my head to his knee and let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Grayson’s hand goes to my face and lifts it back up to look at him.
“Worried about me, Angel?” he asks in a smug tone.
I rise up and go to walk around to check his head, but his hand reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me down onto his lap.
“Grayson, I need to check your head. That towel is soaked.” I try to gently turn his head, but he fights me.