Page 95 of Accepting Fate
“Lots and lots of adult grape juice and kicking their asses outside so I could have some peace.”
We both fall into a fit of laughter.
Time flies by and I forget that I’m talking to my boyfriend’s mom.
Gray was right, I had nothing to worry about.
This night has gone ten times better than I could have anticipated. When Mom and Logan came inside from their chat, I half expected Logan to look terrified. But she wasn’t. She had a big smile on her face and when she saw me, she tucked herself into my side and snuggled into my arms. All the fear and nervousness had evaporated with a simple talk with my mom.
We have just spent the last few hours hanging out on the couch. Logan is currently in a heated battle of UNO with Noah, Landon, and Mom on the floor of the living room.
Dad leans over from his spot next to me on the couch and softly says, “Well, son, I’m happy for you. Told you, you found your light.”
Growing up with parents that didn’t hide their affection or their love for each other really set the standard for how I wanted my forever to be. My parents taught us that love isn’t always easy. They told us some days you will wake up and fight from sunup to sundown but no matter how angry you are, you never go to bed without telling the other you love them.
They didn’t fight in front of us, but they didn’t hide when they were frustrated with each other. I never knew what the word divorce meant until one of my friend’s parents got divorced when I was in elementary school. This resulted in my parents explaining that relationships are not easy. They take work from both sides to make it last. They made sure that we understood that divorce isn’t a terrible thing because people change, and they are no longer what each other needs.
“I think I love her, Dad. But it hasn’t been that long,” I say low enough so only he can hear me.
Dad leans in close again. “Son, love doesn’t work on a linear timeline. It has twists and turns and ups and downs. It’s not the amount of time you have been together that allows you to know. It’s knowing that that person would move heaven and hell to get to you. You do so much for others and it’s time you let someone take care of you, too. I haven’t known Logan for long, but I have been watching. And son, that girl right there would do just about anything to make sure you’re safe and happy. So let her. She may not say it for a while, but that girl loves you. And you love her too.”
Fuck. I love Logan. I knew the moment I saw her in the hospital that she was going to wreck my damn world.
Not taking my eyes off my girl, I say, “You may be onto something Dad. Now I just have to help her see past those last few walls she’s hiding behind.”
Dad pats my knee. “She’ll get there. I’m sure of it.”
We sit there a little while longer. Eventually, Logan looks up and sees me watching her. She looks so happy. And most of all, she looks like she is right where she belongs.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Well, he’s not missing. But I have no idea where he is and he’s not answering his phone.
After his head injury, we have fallen into a routine of him sleeping at my place on nights I have to work and me sleeping at his on my off days. And I love it.
A big step happened when I surprised myself and gave him the extra key to my place. I don’t know where it came from, but it felt right, and it still does.
Gray has taken full advantage of his key privileges and lets himself in hours before I get off work. I’ve been coming home to dinner on the counter and a sexy as hell man waiting for me.
He gave me the code and a key to his place, and I may or may not have snuck over there while he’s with a client or had a thing with his brother to cash in on some Oliver snuggles.
But today was different. When he left this morning, he seemed off. Everything in me wanted to freak out but I didn’t allow myself to go straight to the negative and chalked it up to him just being tired.
Throughout the day, I tried checking in but didn’t get much. At one point, I snuck into the bathroom and called him. He sounded very distant and claimed he had a bad headache. I was going to call him again around dinner time, but we got super busy.
Now, I’m walking out of the hospital, and he isn’t answering. I try again and it rings forever until it hits his voicemail.
My attempts at not going straight to the negative are futile at this point and I’m starting to get really worried.
I reach my car and wonder if I should call Noah. But I don’t want to look like a clingy dramatic girlfriend, so I decide against it.
Waving bye to Harper, I drive way faster than I should and by the time I reach Cliff Haven, my stomach is in knots. When I turn onto Main Street, I don’t see his truck or his bike at the shop or the bar.