Page 22 of Light of Christmas
Grayson reaches out his hand. “Yup. This is my fiancé, Logan.”
He shakes Grayson’s hand then mine. “Nice to meet you both. Congrats on the engagement. I’m Miles. My brother and sister are inside waiting.” He motions for us to follow him inside.
I can’t help it and ask. “I’m sorry. Did you just say sister?”
Miles stops and spins around. “Shit. My bad. Lainey is technically our cousin. Which Landon probably told y’all. But we refer to her as our sister. My parents adopted her when Lach and I were five and she was three. And it was easier for all of us to understand at that age that we were siblings. So that’s what we call her.”
I nod and look to Grayson. He shrugs and we follow Miles.
Miles leads us to an open living room with a large sectional couch seated in front of a fireplace with a TV mounted above it.
“Lainey, Lachlan. This is Logan and her fiancé Grayson.”
I would never have guessed Miles and Lachlan were twins. Yes, they look like brothers. The same haircut, with Lachlan’s being slightly longer and shaggier and the same height. Lachlan is more fit than buff like his brother. Which is to be expected with Miles being a fighter.
Lachlan also has a calmer yet mysterious look to him whereas Miles is more bubbly. Somehow, I can see there is a hint of darkness and maybe pain behind Lachlan’s chocolate brown eyes.
Lachlan stands from his spot next to who I presume is Lainey. He reaches out to shake our hands, his voice low. “Thank you both for coming. Landon told me you were here on vacation. Sorry for having to throw a wrench in your plans, but I really appreciate y’all stepping up to help bring my sister home.”
“No problem, man. We’re happy to help.”
Lachlan and Miles share a look of appreciation. “Landon just called and said he filled y’all in on the details of everything?” Lachlan asks.
“Yes. My only question is who will be staying with the girls?”
“Shit.” Miles exclaims. He turns to Lainey who is standing slightly behind the twins. “My bad sis. This is Lainey.”
Lainey lets out a sarcastic laugh, steps between the twins, and looks over her shoulder to Miles. “I think they got that dumbass.” Turning back to Gray and me, she says, “Sorry. Things are a little tense. I know the circumstances aren’t the best, but it’s nice to have another female around for something like this. I just wish it wasn’t my sister missing this time.”
I have a million and one questions but I don’t ask them. Instead, I smile and let the boys discuss plans on who is staying with us.
Lainey looks like she belongs in a flower field full of sunflowers. Her golden blonde hair is long, and her light green eyes add a touch of innocence to her. Her personality completely contradicts her looks. A similar southern accent blankets her voice, and her touch of sass and sarcasm is amazing. Something about her makes me instantly want to be friends with her.
Grayson hugs me to his side. “So, it’s settled. Lachlan will stay with the girls and Miles will be with me. I’m sorry but I’m about to sound like a asshole. If things take a turn, Logan, I want you to get out of there as fast as possible and call Wes.”
“Angel. I will not take the risk of you getting hurt. I almost lost you once. I won’t do that again. Please.” I nod and he turns to Lachlan. “I know you won’t leave your brother and I won’t expect you to stay knowing Logan will be getting out of there. Lainey, you look like you can hold your own for someone your size, but please go with Logan. I hate to think of you girls being at risk of getting hurt.”
“I appreciate that Grayson. But I won’t leave my family.” Lainey says matter-of-factly.
I can’t stop the laugh that escapes. Grayson glances down at me. I rise on my toes and whisper, “I like her. It’s nice having someone see things from my perspective.”
Grayson shakes his head. “I know. But you’re safety matters more than anything…And I like her too.”
I kiss his cheek and wrap an arm around his waist. Grayson does the same, resting his giant paw of a hand on my hip.
Miles and Lachlan speak at the same time. “Lainey. Please.”
Okay, now I can see the twin thing.
Lainey goes to protest but Lachlan stops her. “Lainey-Loo. Please. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you and Addy. If Landon and his brothers run their team like we do, I trust that Logan knows when it’s time to go.”
Lainey steals a look at me, and I speak up. “I understand your need to stay with your brothers, but if they are worried about you, that could lead to distraction. I don’t know what you guys do but if it’s anything like Grayson and his brothers, I know things can change very quickly. You seem like a badass to me and I have no doubt that you can defend yourself. But this is about getting Addison back. Even if that means us leaving and trusting the boys to bring themselves and Addison home safely.”
“Damn.” Lachlan says. “I can see why Landon brags about having you part of the team.”
My cheeks heat and Grayson hugs me tighter. “I agree. She’s perfect.”