Page 116 of Forgiving Fate
“I know.”
Logan hands me the letter back. “Do you want to go over there?”
“Yeah, but only if you go with me.”
“Of course. But can I ask you something? You can tell me to shut up, and I will.”
My brows furrow. “Yeah?”
“I have never seen Landon speak or act the way he does around you or with regard to you. Is there something there beyond a friendship?”
I sit back and stare at the letter. “I don’t have the answer to that question right now. We became friends on the way to rock bottom. We had a lot of growth to do individually, but I will say that if he is the man he has been in the letters we have exchangedover the last few months, I am excited and terrified to see what the future holds.”
Logan’s face spreads into a devious smile and brings her mug to her lips.
“What?” I ask.
“Oh nothing. Just that you are screwed. The Hayes men have a way of pulling you into their orbit. Even if you have to pass each other a few times, a beautiful collision is imminent. Welcome. It’s a wild ride, but worth every moment.”
I roll my eyes and try to pretend that she is just being dramatic, but in my heart, I know the truth. Whether Landon and I are meant to be best friends or something more, I am confident that he will be a constant in my life.
Stepping into Landon’s house without him here feels wrong.
The last time I was here was the beginning of my fall and Landon’s, too.
The smell of cinnamon and smoke fills my nose and I instantly feel at peace despite the dire wish that he was here.
Logan and Willow follow me further into the house and I am just about to ask where he placed all of their belongings when I see a note on the counter.
Landon asked me to put all the temperature sensitive items in your room. The large items and furniture are in the garage.
Logan reads over my shoulder and looks at me. “Your room?”
I nod and motion for her to follow me up the stairs. “Yeah. After I stabbed him, my mattress got ruined, and I stayed here for a little bit. Not sure why he said my room because I didn’t stay in it much.”
“I have so much I want to say right now, but I will be nice because now is not the time, but I am begging you to tell me what the hell happened between you two.”
My hand pauses on the door handle. “One day.”
My eyes can’t help but drift to Landon’s closed door across the hall. The memories of running across the hall to be in the comfort of his arms hits me like a rogue wave and the ache of missing him churns deep in my chest.
I miss my best friend.
Logan’s hand on my back grounds me, and I turn my attention back to what lies beyond the door.
Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes. I can do this. I am strong.
The moment I open the door, the smell of Mom and Dad hits me and I stumble backwards into Logan. Thankfully, she is there to catch me, and Willow is right beside her, plastering herself to my side.
The room is full of photo albums, clothes, beanbag chairs, and so much more.
I can do this.