Page 15 of Forgiving Fate
Wes’s voice cuts through the phone. “Did you take care of the problem?”
“Yes. His ability to procreate more sick individuals that don’t understand the word no and that think it’s okay to put their hands on women after they say no is gone.”
“Good. And he didn’t touch her?”
“Good.” Muffled voices sound in the back and suddenly Noah’s voice comes over the speaker.
“Landon! Last night was fucking insane. But we handled it. You and Allie okay?” He doesn’t sound angry in the slightest and guilt fills me.
“Yeah, we are fine. Sorry about your arm. I’ll pay to have Gray redo it if it went through any of your ink.”
“It’s all good. Would have been nice to know I needed to be more on guard, but shit happens. Kinda sucks that she sliced through my mermaid, but it could have been worse.”
“Alright, well, when I get back, the next tattoo is on me. Tell Lo I’m sorry.”
“Well, I’m not going to turn down free ink. But don’t worry about it Lan. You didn’t know. But I heard what Wes said. I think it’s time you train one of us. Not me because I’ve watched you before and I don’t have the time or patience to do what you do. Let’s stick to me making these fuckers shit their pants when they realize we are about to end their waste of space lives. I volunteer Wes or Gray.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. I know he is right and so is Wes. And I feel like shit for snapping at him. I just wish I knew how to let go of the reins and allow them to help. But I can’t.
I see the mental toll it takes on all of them and I don’t want them to feel an ounce of what I do when something goes wrong. Or when the days turn into weeks and I can’t find who we are searching for.
“Alright. Call me if you need me. I need to get back on the road.”
“Bye Lan. Love ya. You’re doing great!”
I say goodbye and as soon as the line goes dead, I send a text to Wes.
Landon: Sorry for snapping at you. Thanks for keeping things under control.
Wes: It’s fine. We have everything handled here for a few days. I called Carter and he will stay here until you get back. Think about what I said.
Landon: Keep me updated. Thank you.
Tilting my head up towards the sky, I let the sunshine hit my face. The urge to run to the closest convenience store and grab the first bottle of liquor I see is stronger than it ever has been.
I wish I could ignore the temptation. I wish I could ignore the voices in my head that are screaming at me constantly. I wish they would just shut the fuck up and let me live a day without reminding me how weak I am that I can’t deal with the darkness coating my every thought.
I wish they would just shut the hell up and let me be a semblance of what Allie needs while she is stuck on this road trip to her new life.
Chapter Seven
“Take a left here,and it’s the first house on the right with the blue door.”
Landon nods and as he pulls in front of the place I called home for so many years, reality hits me.
For the past few days, I have done nothing but avoid the feelings that I knew were going to hit me like a freight train colliding with a brick wall at seventy miles an hour.
I asked to come here. I asked to face a situation that I knew was most likely going to send me into a complete tailspin. But at the time, this seemed better than facing my best friend and accepting my new life.
Landon turns off the car, and we sit in silence for a moment. He opens his door but turns to me before getting out.
“I’m sure you will learn about everything we do soon, but there is something you should know, so I don’t freak you out.”
I can feel my eyebrows hit high on my forehead and wait for him to continue.