Page 63 of Forgiving Fate
I take a few deep breaths and when it subsides, I open my eyes to find Landon searching my face as he anxiously chews his gum. His eyes search mine and I nod, signaling I’m okay. He searches for a moment longer, before moving to stand next to me, shoulder to shoulder, giving me no choice but to lean against him.
A cold nose nudges my hand and I look down to see Maggie staring up at me, her golden tail wagging back and forth. And I can’t help but smile and give her the pets she is desperately waiting for.
“Maggie. No more, you attention ho,” Lainey whisper yells. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me as Maggie completely ignores her mom.
Shifting my focus, I shake my head and say, “It’s okay. She is super sweet. Sorry for that. Not my best day. It’s nice to meet you.” Keeping my injured hand hidden under the sleeve and petting Maggie, I extend my uninjured hand out to Lainey.
Her blonde hair flies in the wind and her bright green eyes stand out against her white snowflake sweater.
“Don’t apologize! You’re at the doctor’s on Christmas, which means you really must not feel good. I’m sorry about Mags. She hasn’t seen Landon in forever.” I hear the hint of a southern accent as she pokes at Landon and I watch him shake his head out of the corner of my eye.
“Sorry Loo. It’s been busy. What are you doing here, anyway?” Landon asks.
Lainey rolls her eyes and shakes her head, “I hate that you, Miles, and Lach started that damn nickname.” She directs her words to me, “Him and my twin cousins started calling me that because one of my kids called me that at graduation a few years ago.”
Kids? This girl can’t be older than twenty-four?
Confusion must be evident because she continues. “Sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m so used to the ‘we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone’ shtick. I am a kindergarten teacher and Landon was in town during my first class’s graduation. A few of the kids called me Loo and the twins and Landon just copied them.” I nod and she continues.
“But to answer your question, I got a job at Cliff Haven elementary so decided to come into town early since I will be taking Logan and Grayson’s photos, anyway. I figured why not get a head start so I am not scrambling to unpack while catching up on the shit storm the other teacher left behind for me?”
The mention of Logan’s name sends a wave of anxiousnesses through me, but it doesn’t last long when I feel Landon subtly lean into me.
“That’s great, Loo. I’m happy for you. I’m sure I’ll be getting a call from the twins, putting me on guard duty soon.”
Lainey laughs and nods, “Oh, I’m sure.---Ugh how rude of me! Allie, how do you know this big dummy?”
“I–um.” What the hell do I say? This is new territory and I sure as hell do not want to tell her the real reason.
“She’s a family friend who just moved from Alabama,” Landon says, jumping in once again and saying the words I couldn’t. I tap my pinky against his in a silent thank you.
Lainey looks between us, and the look on her face tells me she is reading between the lines. And if her family is just as involved with missions as Landon’s is, I know she is probably putting two and two together.
“Well. I hope you feel better Allie with whatever brings you to the doc on Christmas. I need to get this girl home so she can rest. Sweet girl got excited about Santa Paws and ran into the Christmas tree. She knocked the entire thing over and an ornament cut her belly.” She pauses and I pet Maggie one last time, but Lainey steps back and continues. “Allie, if you ever need someone to explore the town together, I’m your girl. Us newbies need to stick together.”
I nod. “Thank you. Maybe some day,” I say with a smile. “Feel better Maggie.”
Lainey waves goodbye, Maggie trotting beside her.
As she gets in her car, I let out a sigh of relief. That is the most interacting I have had to have other than Landon and I forgot how exhausting keeping a mask on can be sometimes.
Landon nudges me and I look at him. “Ready?”
I nod and Landon and I walk in to the doctors. I send up another silent omen that this goes smoothly, and the doctor doesn’t ask too many questions I really don’t want to answer.
Chapter Twenty-Three
I pace back and forth outside of the doctor’s office, hoping someone doesn’t drive by and see me. The last thing I need is to explain why I am here on Christmas with a girl that is trying to remain hidden from the rest of the world. It’s bad enough Lainey saw us.
Not that I care what people say or think, but I know Allie doesn’t want Logan to come knocking down her door. And that’s exactly what will happen if words get to her that Allie is hurt.
My eyes dart back to the doctor’s office and I will the doors to open with Allie walking out. I have never in my life been so terrified. The sight of her in the tub, looking devastated and helpless will forever be burned into my mind.
It was like my nightmare was coming true and I knew that this time I wasn’t in some fucked up dream state.