Page 81 of Forgiving Fate
She looks around at the room that is only filled with a bed, nightstand, and dresser. The best feature is the large bay window with a bench seat to sit and stare out at the dense forest.
Not sure what to do, I stand with my hands in my pockets and wait to see if she wants to run or if she is comfortable.
After a few moments, she faces me and shakes her head and gives me a tiny thumbs up.
My shoulders deflate, and I nod. “Alright, my room is right across the hall if you need anything. There is a lock on your door if you want to lock it, but the rest of the house has a full security system that arms the second we walked in, so you are safe. If youwake up and want to leave, just text me or come wake me up. I will warn you now, I have barely slept in the past three days, so I will probably be out for a while. You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen. I—”
“Lan. Go to bed. I’ll be fine.” Allie interrupts and I’m grateful.
“Okay. Goodnight Al.”
“Night, Lan.”
Not sure what I should do next, I tap her arm and walk out. And the second I see my bed, I fall face first into the mattress and fall asleep within seconds.
Allie’s screams wake me out of a dead sleep and I’m on my feet running to her before I can even process what is happening.
I burst into Allie’s room and find her thrashing on the bed and as I get closer, I see tears streaming down her face.
“Al.” I say softly so I don’t scare her.
“GET AWAY!” Allie screams and I have to dodge her flying fist.
“Allie.” My voice is louder and I gently touch her arm, only to get kneed in the back by one of her thrashing legs.
Fuck. What does this girl have against my body tonight?
She continues to kick and scream and in one of her attempts, I notice blood coming from her bandage and I know there is no more playing around.
My hands go to the sides of her face and I swipe my thumbs against her cheek. “Allie girl. Wake up. You’re safe,” I say, inches from her face.
Her eyes fly open and her almost white eyes stare back at me. Tears stream from her face and I swipe them away. “Shh. It’s okay. You’re safe. I will not let anything hurt you. I promise.”
“Landon?” her voice cracks as she says my name, and it feels like I just got kicked in the chest by a horse.
I walk her through trying to slow her breathing, and as the last tear falls, I lean back and say, “What do you need?”
Her eyes search mine and I know she is about to tell me to get away, so I start to pull my hands away, but she stops me.
“Please don’t. I—I.”
“Anything Al. I mean it. What do you need?”
Tears fill her eyes and her lip quivers. “Hold me and don’t let go. I need to feel something other than his hands on me, and you’re the only person I trust right now to take the pain away.”
My hands freeze and her words replay in my mind on a loop.
Can I do this? Why me? Is she sure?
“Please Storm.”
Her words silence the doubt in my mind and I move to lie down next to her and pull her to my bare chest.
Allie buries her face in my neck and I wrap my arms tightly around her, ignoring the twinge of pain in my shoulder.
I lay there staring at the ceiling while this girl, who was once a stranger and has somehow become an anchor in my life, tries to silence the demons in her mind.