Page 84 of Forgiving Fate
Landon takes a sip of hot chocolate, fans his cards out in his hands, leans forward on his elbows. “Want to make this interesting?”
My brows furrow. “I can see your wheels turning and I don’t know if I even want to know what’s going on in that head of yours.”
A laugh escapes him. “You definitely don’t, but what do you say Allie Girl? Do we make this interesting or do you want to spend the day losing to the best Uno player in the world?”
Shaking my head, my eyes roll and I lean forward on the table, “Oh you’re on Storm, but just know, whatever you’re about tosay, you better like the consequences just as much as the reward because you are about to return your self proclaimed ‘Best Player’ Trophy.”
I have no idea what’s happening and what episode of the twilight zone I woke up in, but I can say this day is shaping up to be one of the best I’ve had in a long time. And I owe it all to the man sitting in front of me.
Chapter Thirty
“So, before I tellyou my plan, know that you can back out any time and I will give you as many passes as you want, but you have to promise to tell the hard truth, even if it’s dark.” Landon levels his gaze with me and lifts one eyebrow as if he is taunting me.
Deciding to throw caution to the wind since this day has already thrown me for a complete loop, I abandon all my inhibitions and say, “Tell me.”
His shoulders relax slightly, but I see he is feeling uneasy about something.
“So, after every game, the winner gets to ask the loser a question.”
A laugh escapes me. “What is this, a sixth-grade sleepover?”
Landon shrugs. “I figured this would be easier than asking questions we are both desperate to know about each other. A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours, Allie Girl. I will do anything to avoid the hard truth, but what I refuse to do is back down from a challenge.” Landon leans forward. “Do you?”
I take a deep breath and roll my eyes. This may just be a simple card game, but he’s right. I hate losing and I hate answering questions I don’t even know the answer to. And this right here is the perfect way to reveal answers to what I’ve been wondering for months.
Without answering, I lay my first card down and sit back against the couch.
The first game comes to a close quickly and before I know it, I am placing my final card down as Landon stares at his hand full of card aftermanydraw four cards back to back.
Landon lets out an annoyed breath and drops his hand on the table, and scrubs his hand over his face.
“Did you really think that you were going to be the only one asking the questions?” I say, my voice sounding cocky and full of confidence that I haven’t had in months.
Landon shakes his head and starts shuffling the cards. “No, but I didn’t expect to have my ass kicked right out the gate.”
“You should never underestimate me.”
Landon pauses shuffling and levels his gaze with me, his dark blues staring straight into mine. “Since the day I met you, I have never once underestimated you, Allison. I make countless promises to you, but one will never be more true than this. You are stronger than you think and if anyone ever underestimates your strength, then they clearly don’t see the true you. Because after spending just five minutes with you, I knew you were a fighter who should never be underestimated.”
I stare at him for a moment and let his words sink in. Never in my life have I ever felt this constant state of safety yet on edge when in the presence of someone else. Maybe it’s because I have no one else, but I am choosing to ignore the isolation and live in the moment.
“Well thank you, but don’t think you being nice will get you out of answering a question.” I say, a hint of laughter in my voice.
Landon rolls his eyes, nods for me to continue, deals out the next set of cards.
I take a moment to think if I want to hit him hard right out the gate or go for an easier question to see how willing he is to give up information.
“If you could go anywhere in the world right now without the stress of work or family keeping you here or the having to return, where would you go?”
Landon thinks for a moment and absentmindedly shuffles his cards in his hand. “Cannon Beach in Oregon.”
“You don’t want to go somewhere further? Maybe even a different country? You have no responsibilities, no reason to come home, and an unlimited stay and you pick somewhere close to home?”
Landon nods. “Yes, because that place is where I can feel a tiny semblance of peace. There is a giant boulder that sits out further into the water. On really rough days, I will drive out and sit for hours watching the waves crest against the rock. The sound of the water, the birds, and the smell of the ocean air calms me and reminds me to live another day so I can witness the beauty of that place again.”
Wow. I never expected such a simple question to have a deeper meaning. I can see that this place is more than just a simple beach. It’s his safe space.