Page 86 of Forgiving Fate
After a few moments, the laughter fades away and all that’s left is a comfortable silence.
Landon sits back up and deals out the next set of cards. “So, do you know what tomorrow is?”
My eyebrows furrow and I check the date on my phone. Damn. I didn’t even realize that tomorrow is yet another holiday thatI will be spending alone. I sink further into my seat and nod, a feeling of sadness overtaking me suddenly.
“Hey. Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad, I was just going to tell you that if you are feeling up to it, my parents are hosting a party, if you want to come?”
Immediately, I shake my head no.
Landon gives me an understanding nod. “I figured, so I had a back-up plan.” My eyebrows raise in curiosity and he continues, “I have to make an appearance, but I was going to say you could stay here until after the New Year since the roads are too bad to drive to the city to get you a new mattress. Once I fulfill my obligation and make my parents happy, I can duck out and spend the rest of night with you. I can beat your ass in Uno and I think I have Twister somewhere if you really want to get crazy.”
He stands and I roll my eyes.
“That’s fine. I don’t think I’d make it long in the cabin with that heater, anyway. But you are out of your mind if you think I’m going to play Twister with your six foot three ass.”
“Hey! I’m only six feet. Get it right, shortcake.”
“Ew! Absolutely the fuck not.”
Landon stands over me, my coffee mug in hand. “Don’t worry, I have plenty of nicknames that I can try out.” He leans down and plants a quick kiss on my lips and for some reason, it feels like we have had our little arrangement for years and not seconds.
I shake my head and watch him walk back to the kitchen, but as he rounds the couch, he calls over his shoulder, “Don’t you worry sweetheart, I will make sure you get a New Year’s kiss that you will never forget.”
My eyes roll for the millionth time tonight and my head falls back against the couch as laughter escapes me. This may be the dumbest idea I have ever had, but if that means more moments like this, it’s a risk I will take a thousand times.
Chapter Thirty-One
“Landooo!! It’s about timeyou show up, big bro!”
Noah rushes me as soon as I walk in the door of my parents. “Mom said four. It’s 3:59.” I say as I hug Noah and make my way past him to the living room full of people.
Every year my parent’s host a New Year’s Eve party. This year, we have a few more people than normal since one can make it to the city and the bar is having a power outage because of the storm that is still clinging on.
I take a quick glance around and see the familiar faces of my family, Grayson’s coworkers from The Needle, Seb and Travis, the bartender from The Handle, Leo, Lainey, and Harper.
Grayson meets my gaze over the top of Logan’s head, who is sitting in his lap while talking to Harper. He gives a questioning look and I immediately know he is asking about Allie. I give him a quick nod and move into the kitchen to say hello to Mom.
She immediately pulls me into her arms. “Hi honey. I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you too Mom.”
She lets me go, but not far. “How is she?” she asks in a low whisper.
“Taking it one day at a time.”
Mom nods and pats my arm. “Are you doing okay since…”
“Yes Mom. I’m fine,” I say, not hiding my slight annoyance.
“Sorry honey, you know I worry.”
“I know, and I appreciate it. I’m sorry you had to see that. It will never happen again.”
“Don’t apologize. I will always be here for you. If it happens again, that’s okay. Just know you can always come to me or your father. Or maybe your new friend?”
I give her a knowing look. “Mom.”