Page 128 of Sinful Betrayal
I can’t risk Pyotr like that and ultimately, my father doesn’t care how Maxim died. All he cares about is the fact that Anton was the one that pulled the trigger.
“I never should have trusted you,” Igor spits, looking at me in disgust.
I cower under his gaze, and it’s like I’m five years old all over again.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve gone and fallen in love with him.”
I say nothing, though the tears that start to stream down my cheeks say it all.
“Take care of her,” my father mutters to Akim who hovers in the doorway, and I know it’s now or never. If I have any chance of ever seeing Anton again, I need to use the only card that I have up my sleeve that could make my father reconsider.
“I’m pregnant!”
My father pauses, and I catch Akim rolling his eyes.
“I-it’s true. Anton, he…he doesn’t care about me, but he cares about this child. I-if you kill me now, you’ll lose your opportunity to get revenge.”
I sound hysterical and not in the least bit convincing, but I know how much my father wanted to make Anton suffer like he did when Maxim died, so I have to hope that he’ll halt his plans long enough to confirm the truth.
He looks over his shoulder at me, and I do my best to hold his gaze.
“Organize a doctor. I want this pregnancy confirmed.” He storms out of the room.
Akim sneers at me before slamming the door closed behind him.
I breathe a sigh of relief at the knowledge that I’ve bought myself some time. It might not be much, but it might just be enough to save my baby’s life.
Pulling against the ropes, I let out a cry of frustration.
The fact that my father believes I would be a threat if I wasn’t tied up is laughable. The truth is I’m exhausted and hungry, and I want nothing more than to fall asleep and pray that this has all been some terrible nightmare. That I’ll wake up back in Anton’sbed, with his arms around me, listening to the sound of his breathing as he sleeps beside me?—
Gunshots explode on the other side of the door followed by shouts and the sound of footsteps pounding against concrete.
I catch the sound of my father’s voice, but then more shots are fired, and all hell seems to break loose, and I lose all track of what’s happening.
If my father is being ambushed, there’s no way I’m getting out of this alive.
I’m completely trapped with no way of defending myself. Panic sets in, and my lungs scream for air as I forget to breathe.
But then I hear him.
I choke on a sob.
“Anton!” I cry, though there’s no way he’ll be able to hear me over the sound of gunfire. “Anton!”
The ropes around my wrists and ankles are caked in blood as I fight and pull against them.
The commotion outside the door is getting louder, and I can only hope that he’ll get close enough to hear me.
“Help!” I scream. “Someoneplease?—”
The door flies open, and I let out a strangled sob as Anton comes into view.
His shirt is caked in blood, and there’s a nasty-looking cut along his cheek, but he looks otherwise unharmed.