Page 51 of Sinful Betrayal
I glance down at my pristine black suit and frown.
“I think we’re a little overdressed.” Our thousand-dollar suits look completely out of place in this dive. “I think it might be putting people off.”
“Not to the waitresses it won’t be.” Mikhail dips his chin in the direction of a girl who is definitely under the legal drinking age with a skirt that barely covers her ass and bleached blonde hair. “Maybe you should work your magic on her.”
“Work my magic?”
“You know, smile at her and shit.”
“How the fuck are you married?” I chuckle, taking a sip of my drink.
“No idea.”
It seems like any magic Mikhail thought I have doesn’t work in this place.
Whatever illegal dealings Igor has going on behind the scenes has gotten his staff members on edge at the sight of two guys in suits, despite us assuring them all we’re not cops.
After the third waitress reluctantly brings us fresh drinks after we bribed her for information by offering her a job atEspionage, Mikhail and I decide to back off so as not to draw too much attention.
Mikhail shrugs. “Hopefully, one of them finally decides to take us up on our offer and start talking.”
“This vodka tastes like shit. How the hell does this place stay in business?”
“You know how.” Mikhail chuckles. “The same wayEspionagedoes.”
“Fuck off.”
Mikhail’s eyes dance with amusement. We might be cousins, but we give each other crap like we’re brothers.
“How’s Nina doing?” Mikhail sets his glass down on the table.
“She seems to be okay, all things considered. She’s not happy that I wouldn’t let her come with me tonight, but I reminded her it’s for her own good.”
“Maybe she should talk to Lucia. She knows all too well what it’s like to be under lock down.”
“I literally can’t tell if you’re being serious right now.”
“I’m being deadly serious.”
“You’re a psycho.” I laugh. “We’re not starting some club with our girls where they get together and talk about the times their men locked them up. That’s sadistic.”
“So, you admit she is your girl…”
“You’re exhausting, you know that?”
“What I meant to ask is how are things goingwithher?” Mikhail leans forward, resting his forearms on his thighs.
“It’s going…well. She’s a pretty special person.”
I think of how she managed to dissolve the dark cloud that was threatening to consume me this morning. How easy it felt to confide in her about my family and have her listen and provide comfort.
I’ve never met anyone like her, and I’m starting to think that I would be a complete fool to let her go.
“You seem surprised.”
“Your skepticism has been rubbing off on me.”
“Well, I’m genuinely happy for you, cousin. You truly deserve it after everything you’ve sacrificed for this family. I hope it works out with Nina.”