Page 54 of Sinful Betrayal
Yakov says nothing, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
“Is that because Anton’s ordered you not to talk to me?”
Still nothing.
“Or is it because of Emma? Because trust me, you not engaging is only making it worse.”
Not a word.
For some reason, I can’t help but smile.
When we arrive back at Anton’s house, Yakov drives us around the back of the property to park the car, and I quickly head inside.
I didn’t get a chance to eat lunchagain,and I think my body might actually be breaking down my organs for food from the hunger pains I’m experiencing.
Dumping my bag and coat by the stairs, I hurry across the foyer toward the kitchen when there’s an almighty crash followed by yelling.
“Oh no.” I sprint toward the kitchen.
I find Anton’s mother clutching shards of broken China as a housemaid tries to reason with her.
“You made me drop them!” Anton’s mother screams. “You idiot woman!”
She crouches on the floor and starts trying to scoop up the broken China with her bare hands.
“Mrs. Koslov, let me do that?—”
“You’ve done enough!”
“Is everything okay?”
The maid turns to face me, and her eyes widen in alarm.
“Oh, Miss Balakin, I’m so sorry. I’ll get this cleaned up?—”
“Please, don’t worry about the mess. Is everything all right?”
The maid hesitates, glancing down at where Anton’s mother crouches on the floor.
“I was trying to polish the plates when she came in and started…” Her cheeks flush.
“Please, don’t worry. Is her nurse not around?”
The maid shakes her head.
“Jen has the day off, and Annie doesn’t come in for another hour. Mr. Koslov said he would be covering…”
“I’m sure there was just a mix up with his schedule, so why don’t you go and find a broom, and I’ll deal with Anton’s mother.”
The maid doesn’t need to be asked twice. She hurries into the laundry room, and I take the opportunity to move closer to Anton’s mother who is still trying to clear up the plates.
“Mrs. Koslov, can I get you something?”
She glances up at me and for a moment, she looks confused. But then her face breaks out into a smile, and I can instantly see Anton in her.
“Katerina, is that you?” She climbs to her feet.