Page 51 of A Sudden Response
He was also the first man she’d ever had unprotected sex with, and God help her, but she never wanted anything to come between them. She wasn’t worried about catching anything from him. They both got tested every six months whether or not they’d been with someone and she knew it had been a long time for him. She also wasn’t worried about getting pregnant. She’dbeen on birth control since she was sixteen out of fear that she’d end up just like her mother.
“I wasn’t done,” Eric said, even as he rolled his hips to fill her.
“Yes, you were,” Joe said breathlessly as she gave him one last kiss before sitting up.
She’d never felt anything this good before, Joe thought, licking her lips as she savored the way that he filled her. It felt good, better than good and she wanted more. She slowly raised herself up only to take her time as she lowered herself back on him, moaning as she felt every inch of him sliding back inside of her, tearing a groan from Eric. So, she did it again, this time more slowly. Sex had never felt this good before, Joe thought as she struggled not to lose control. She met his eyes and nearly moaned when she saw the way that he was looking at her.
She loved the way he looked at her, the way he made her feel and wanted more. She wanted him to hold her while they made love, needed it more than anything. He must have felt the same way. Before she could lean down, Eric was sitting up and wrapping his arms around her.
“I love you, Joe,” Eric said against her lips as she wrapped her arms around him and slowly rode him.
“I love you too,” she said seconds before he swallowed her screams.
“This is a fantasy for you?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eric said, pulling her closer.
“Mmmhmmm, now, shhhh, the good part is coming,” he said, pressing a kiss against the back of her neck.
Grumbling, Joe settled back against him so that she could watch the horrible action flick that only a man could appreciate. She wasn’t exactly sure how spooning on her couch and watching a movie that was threatening to put her to sleep counted as a fantasy. They’d done this a thousand times over the years.
Okay, granted, they’d never done this naked with only a throw blanket covering them from the waist down and Eric’s hand cupping her breast, but still. When he told her that he wanted to live out his fantasies, she was thinking a strip tease, licking whipped cream off each other, and a hundred other things she’d thought about over the years.
When his lips touched her neck, Joe tilted her head to the side to give him better access. His hand tightened around her breast as he teasingly traced her nipple with his thumb. She was just about to roll over onto her back so that she could kiss him when she felt the tip of his cock slide against her bottom.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined doing this to you while I held you in my arms,” Eric admitted as he slowly pushed inside of her.
“You imagined doing this?” Joe asked, trying not to moan when he slid inside her.
“Oh,God,”Eric groaned as an orgasm tore through him. His hands tightened on her hips, holding her in place as he suffered through her body throbbing around his sensitive cock.
When Joe dropped face-first on the bed, he wasn’t far behind. He rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms. His eyes shot to the alarm clock and he couldn’t help but wince. Itwas after three in the morning and she had to drive up to New Hampshire in a few hours.
He opened his mouth to tell her that he’d drive her but stopped himself. He couldn’t go with her. She would be gone for three days and they needed that time to figure out what they wanted. Even if she was willing to risk what they had, he wasn’t sure that he was.
There was no question in his mind that he loved and absolutely adored this woman, but he knew that he was a fuckup when it came to relationships. He couldn’t stomach the idea that she would end up being just another woman that he’d hurt. He wanted to try for her, but he was scared shitless. What if he fucked up and she never spoke to him again?
He would never survive losing her.
Joe groaned as she buried her face against her pillow. “I have to get up in a few hours.”
“Get some sleep,” Eric said, pressing a kiss against her shoulder.
“Only if you manage to keep that damn thing leashed,” Joe said, making him chuckle.
It didn’t seem to matter how many times they’d made love, his body wanted more. Pressing another kiss against her shoulder, Eric pulled his hips back only to wince when his sensitive cock that couldn’t seem to get enough of her caressed her ass.
Joe released a long-suffering sigh before somehow managing to roll over onto her back beneath him. “Fine. You may have your dirty little way with me one more,” she said, making sure to sound put out.
“You’re very generous,” Eric said as he rolled his hips back before he slid home.
Joe nodded solemnly as her back arched off the bed to take him deeper. “Very generous.”