Page 16 of The Hunt
Everyone knew that.
Aubrey could end up with her hands seriously full tonight. Some families were so complicated.
Aubrey leaned toward her after the entrées were finished. “You are being a bit quiet. Everything good?”
“I’m preoccupied. I’ll tell you all about it later.” She needed another opinion on evading the great hunter, Dr. Chad-wicked Fields.
“That sounds intriguing.”
“It involves a man I should know better than to ever let get near me.”
“But he did get near you?”
“Something like that. But—I’ll tell you later. We’re about to be invaded.” Of course they were. There were men on the prowl here today
Most men were hunters at heart.
And tonight, she and Aubrey were theprey.
That was confirmed when Dr. Hodges and Dr. Michaels helped themselves to the seats the Alvaros had just vacated.
And then proved themselves to be total asses.
And ruined Genny’s evening completely.
Damn it.She’d have rather stayed home watchingPeanutswith her nephew and her brother Gunn tonight than be here for this.
His hand stung,but he’d get over it. Chad listened to the other men ribbing him for the careless accident with good humor. He truly hadn’t been paying attention. And that was his own fault.
“You were thinking about a woman, weren’t you?” Guthrie slapped him on the shoulder and snickered after bandaging the injury. “So, who is she?”
“None of your business.” That was exactly what he had been doing, but he wasn’t about to tell the men with him exactly who he had been thinking about. It had gotten late, the sun was going down, and he had gotten careless thinking about Genny Hiller. Again.
Hiller brothers could get a bitornerywhen a guy expressed interest in one of their younger sisters. He’d seen them kick a man’s ass before. Granted, that had been when a man had cornered Giavonna after a date she’d decided to leave early.
One call to George from Chad had brought all five brothers running. Chad had gone along to be the voice of reason.
Giavonna had been all of twenty at the time. She’d called Chantal to come and pick her up—from inside a local bar. Where she had walked for help.
Abarhad been the safer option than her date.
Chad had been there and had overheard what was going on—and there was no way he was letting his nineteen-year-old sister ride to the rescue.
He’d called George, who lived in town and had been closest, and ordered George to get to Giavonna’s side. It hadn’t taken much of an order; George had been halfway there before they’d even disconnected.
Then Chad and the Hiller brothers had gone to take care of the problem themselves.
They’d found the guy trying to break into the little apartment Giavonna had rented in Barrattville. So he could wait for her to find her way home. Her brothers had taken care of the situation long before the police could. Chad had heard later the man had moved to Houston shortly after.
Ran, tail between his legs, back to mommy and daddy, was more like it.
No one messed with the Hiller girls, after all. Chad would have to keep that in mind.
“I was just a little distracted.”
“No kidding,” a dry female voice said from behind him. Chad turned. There his little sister was.