Page 20 of The Hunt
Still, would that be so bad? As long as Gene wasn’t just toying with Chantal, anyway. And of all the men in the world, if he could choose one for his sister to love her and take care of her, it would be Gene Hiller, or one of his brothers. No denying that.
Chad slipped his uninjured hand around Genny’s waist and pulled her closer. “What’s going on?”
Guthrie stepped up on the porch next, his focus on the women who’d invaded his childhood home. “Dr. Fisher, didn’t expect to see you here.”
The blonde woman almost hiding behind Genny shot Guthrie and Chad a wary look. “You, either. I was assured you were somewhere in town.”
Talk about a sudden chill. Chantal said she was sweet, shy. Chad had to wonder. Guthrie had an almost hostile look on his own face. No. Those two most certainly did not get along.
“Now don’t you two start. I’m demanding a truce.” Genny moved toward them, fire in her tone. “Guthrie, you behave right now. Or I’m calling Mom and telling her you were a jerk to a guest in her former home. What do you think she’d say?”
“That I’m a big boy who can make my own decisions, runt.”
“Anyway—you said someone needed a doctor?” Chad said, pointedly. He knew Genny hated it when it was pointed out that she was the smallest of the Hiller clan. He was going to have to reeducate her brothers on that. Soon. “And why wouldn’t Dr. Fisher suffice?”
“Because Aubrey’s the one who needs it. Why are we wasting time out here?” Greer asked, impatient as always. “Let’s get inside, get Aubs taken care of, kick out all those with man parts—I am seriously against man parts, for probably the rest of my life now—and then get this party started. Ayla, watch out for the board there. It’s loose. You don’t want to catch a crutch on it. I’ve done it before, and it wasn’t good.”
Chad looked at the woman at the back. He didn’t know her, he didn’t think. She was young, probably younger than Greer. Taller than Genny by a few inches, and just as thin. More fragile-looking. The two forearm crutches were an indicator of why. He didn’t think he’d ever met her before.
She looked enough like Aubrey Fisher to be her younger sister. He assumed that was who she was. There was another woman next to Greer that he recognized, though.
Greer’s closest friend from high school. Her older brother was one of Gene’s closest friends, too. He hadn’t seen her in a few years. She was just as gorgeous as the rest of them, but in that cute girl kind of way.
Hell. When had they all grown up? Chad suddenly felt old.
“You really are partying here tonight?” he asked, after the little crowd of women had scurried inside, chattering the entire way.
He was assuming from their manner that whatever Dr. Fisher needed it wasn’t severe—or there would be far more intensity about their conversation.
Although Genny was certainly riled up. Her hair, curled more than usual, was practically standing on end. And she kept sending Dr. Fisher worried looks.
“In here,” Genny ordered, stalking to the kitchen. Well, almost sort of hobble-jumping, more than anything. “I can’t do stitches, and she needs them.”
Aubrey—he couldn’t keep thinking about her as Dr. Fisher in the middle of his best friends’ living room—climbed on the bar stool with resignation. And, he looked closer at her gorgeous face, embarrassment.
Was that a bit of fear, too? Definitely nerves.
Her sleeve was rolled up. There was a neat bandage over whatever she’d done to herself. A bandage with blood soaking through. “What happened? And I hate to break it to you, but I’m not doing any stitches tonight.” He held up his own bandaged hand. “I slammed it in the gate at my parents’ place.”
Gorgeous blue eyes met his. Resigned now. Wounded. Hell, she had powerful eyes, too. “I was hoping to avoid questions. Genny suggested driving me to Finley Creek Gen, but that wasso far out of her way… I… ” She peeled the bandage off, while Guthrie washed his hands at the kitchen sink. Aubrey held her arm out for Chad to take a look.
Chad cursed when he saw the injury. “Who in the hell did this to you, Aubrey? Tell me, so I can go kick his ass.”
Five crescent-shaped lacerations, fresh blood, and forming bruises covered her pale skin. Right next to older scars he identified in an instant. At some point in her life, someone with a damned cigarette had held Dr. Aubrey Fisher completely helpless.
And hurt her. This was a woman with definite secrets.
But for now… “Who did this tonight, Aubrey? Tell me, and the Hiller boys and I will go kick his ass. He won’t ever hurt you again.”
Guthrie moved closer and wrapped his hand around her elbow gently, turning her more fully into the light. Chad watched his friend’s eyes widen slightly. Watched the anger kindle.
Guthrie’s gaze met Aubrey’s. Something passed between them. Something that almost sizzled.
Talk about fire.
They looked like two parts of a whole right there like that.
He didn’t think he’d ever seen Aubrey and Guthrie that close to each other before. He could practically feel the heat.