Page 20 of Fated Obsessions
This low rumble started in the interior, and at first I thought it was the engine, but when I looked over at Ren, I realized the noise was coming from him.
It was this deep vibration spilling out of his chest and filling the interior of the car.
My heart sped up, my palms started to sweat, and my nipples hardened.
He glanced at me then, his nostrils flaring as if he were scenting me. His eyes were hooded, and I couldn’t help but picture him looking like this in the throes of passion.
His expression was almost severe, animal-like in its intensity. It sent a shiver up my spine. And then it was my turn to feel chills racing up my arms and legs, and I forced myself to look away, the breath getting sucked from my very lungs just from that look he had in his eyes.
I swear it’s as if he can smell my arousal.
I offered a smile that I knew didn’t reach my eyes, but that smile faded at the pure look of... desire on his face. And just as he faced forward again, I swore I saw his eyes flash blue.
Pulling my brows down low, I chalked it up to a trick of the light and shadows and cleared my throat, needing to talk about something else to keep my mind offother things.
“So, you’ve lived here your whole life?” I heard him shifting on the seat and glanced over. His jaw was tight, a muscle clenching under his golden flesh.
A flash of heat slammed into me, and I bit my lip, thinking of extremely inappropriatethings where Ren was concerned. His jaw clenched again and again, his hands tightening on the steering wheel, his knuckles white from the force.
What would he think if he knew I wanted him this badly?What will he think, knowing—even though I’m a virgin—I’d give every part of myself to him tonight if he asked?
Just the very thought of being with Ren inthatway had the breath leaving me.
“I’ve lived here my whole life. Yes.” His voice sounded strained, as if he forced himself to get the words out.
“Have you traveled out of the country much?” The conversation was being led into weird territory now, randomquestions that popped into my head, because I was desperately trying to steer my brain in another direction that was safe.
But even I knew it was pointless. Fruitless. I wanted him too much.
More shifting on the seat from him, and I lowered my gaze to his tree-trunk-sized thighs, my eyes growing wide as I noticed a very prominent bulge laying against his thigh and pressing against the fabric of his slacks.
Another clearing of his throat before he said, “I’ve traveled extensively over the years, but my home has always been here.” The steering wheel creaked a little, and a moment later, he rolled down the window.
The cool air rushed in, and I shivered, but it had nothing to do with the sudden chill in the interior, and everything to do with the man sitting next to me.
“But I haven’t traveled in a very long time, staying close because of my brother.”
Once again, I felt a pang of sadness for him and for the man I’d never met.
“And you?”
“I haven’t been anywhere outside of the US, not since before I took this trip.”
He glanced at me with a surprised expression on his face. “And how are you enjoying your time in a foreign land?"
I smiled genuinely. “My time in each country has been incredible. I have learned so many new things, experienced different cultures I’d only ever dreamed of.” I left out the part about how I enjoyed my time in Romania the most… because I’d met him.
Ren was by far my most enjoyable reason for taking this leap in life.
And given the fact that we’d just met yesterday, it seemed like admitting that to him now would be just the thing to send someone running in the other direction.
“I’m glad.” He cleared his throat again, the wind softly blowing in the car still. “I’m glad you decided to come here for your trip.”
I smiled again, even blushed. God, what was it about this man that made me feel so alive?
It was only another ten minutes driving and then Ren was pulling into his stately driveway and up to the massive home. I had a feeling he’d taken the long way to get here, but I didn’t mind. And as I looked at him as he pulled the luxury car to a stop and cut the engine, I knew I wanted to see how far things could go with him. I wanted to experience things with Ren I’d only ever fantasized about.
“Shall we?” he asked and looked at me.